
Accessibility statement

Information for Academic Visitors

The Department of Education welcomes applications from UK and international researchers who wish to spend up to one year in the Department as Academic Visitors. We welcome visitors who are in Ìð¹ÏÊÓƵapp to pursue independent research and do not provide or arrange academic supervision in this situation. Our visitors are part of our academic community and will be informed by and also contribute to our research activities here in Ìð¹ÏÊÓƵapp. Part of the application process includes a short research proposal which will be evaluated by senior members of the Department. It is expected that there will be a clear and strong academic reason for visiting Ìð¹ÏÊÓƵapp, and that the visitorʼs research will connect directly with ongoing research of our staff or research groups.

Applicants should read the information below and then submit their full application by email to education-research-admin@york.ac.uk

How to apply

How to apply

Please email the following information to: education-research-admin@york.ac.uk

1. A letter of application which includes:

  • Why you would like to spend time at the Department of Education at Ìð¹ÏÊÓƵapp;
  • A clear indication of how you intend to pay the fees and for your stay here
  • A clear indication of the time period you wish to be in Ìð¹ÏÊÓƵapp, and your plans for finding accommodation.

2. A letter of recommendation from your Head of Department or other senior academic who knows you and your work;

3. A short CV (1-2 pages), with full name, address, and current teaching position

4. A c.1000 word research proposal which links to one of the Research Centres, or a particular member of staff, and clearly states exactly what you wish to do while you are in Ìð¹ÏÊÓƵapp.



The following are provided for visiting researchers:

  • Ìð¹ÏÊÓƵapp email address and limited use of University and Department computing facilities
  • use of the University's Libraries
  • admission to research seminars and other public events
  • limited free use of the Department's photocopier
  • shared academic visitors' room (hot desking) with computing facilities.



Fees are: £2,500 per year, or pro rata on a monthly basis. We would require a confirmation of how you intend to pay for the fees and your stay here. Fees are typically paid before or on arrival.


Visa procedures

The Department cannot provide advice on visas. For more information on visa applications, please visit the University's .

If you require a visa to enter the UK it is essential that you seek advice on how to obtain the correct visa to suit the purpose of your visit.

Other information

Period of Visit

There is no restriction on the dates or length of time, up to a year, you can request to visit, but it is worth noting that the University summer vacation begins in June and lasts until the end of September. Many people are away at this time and the Department provides no teaching or events.

The libraries may also open for shorter hours and may close completely for short periods during the vacation.

Accommodation arrangements

The Department is unable to help with accommodation.

Please contact  for more information.

Visiting PhD students

Visiting PhD Students

Researchers who are currently studying for a PhD can apply to study in the Department as an International Visiting Student following the procedures for Academic Visitors. If a member of staff agrees to supervise you, you will be asked to formalise this arrangement by .