Our research group is the focal point for Ƶapp's world leading cross-national and transnational social policy analysis.

We have undertaken innovative work on how international trade impacts health services provision and public health outcomes, welfare state typologies, the political economy of welfare and the nature and extent of 'corporate welfare'. 

Within the theme, Social Policy East Asia eXchange (SPEAX) acts as a focal point for our exchange of knowledge and research with East Asia specialists. 

Key funders include the British Academy, ESRC, Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, US National Institutes of Health, MRC/ESRC/DFID/Wellcome, and Praksis. The theme also hosts the . 

Theme lead

Contact us

Dr Chris Holden
Reader in Social Policy

+044 (0)1904 321254

Contact us

Dr Chris Holden
Reader in Social Policy

+044 (0)1904 321254