Interests in the inorganic chemistry group focus on a wide variety of areas and applications. Particular research aspects include organometallic chemistry, catalysis, novel fuels, photochemistry, bioinorganic and main group chemistry.

The strength of the Inorganic Chemistry section is based on its uniquely multidisciplinary and highly collaborative research. This approach facilitates the development of solutions to current challenges in chemistry, including those associated with resource efficiency, net zero and the circular economy. 

Our main areas of interest include organometallic catalysis (DuckettLynamSlatteryWeller), metalloenzymes (Duhme-KlairParkinWalton), photocatalysis (DouthwaiteDuckettDuhme-KlairLynamWilkinson), electrocatalysis (DouthwaiteParkin) and novel solvents (Slattery). Spectroscopic and analytical measurements provide the molecular-level information essential for reaction optimisation and tailoring towards specific applications. Our research is supported by a wide range of experimental techniques and engagement with national and international research facilities.

The Inorganic Chemistry Section aligns with the Ƶapp’s Research themes Environmental Sustainability and ResilienceTechnologies for the Future and Health and Wellbeing.

Find out about our state-of-the-art equipment and facilities.


Martin Bates
  • Simulation of liquid crystals and complex systems
Duncan Bruce
  • Liquid crystals, materials chemistry
Victor Chechik
  • Nanoscale chemistry, free radicals, EPR spectroscopy
Richard Douthwaite
  • Molecular and materials chemistry, photocatalysis
Simon Duckett
  • Mechanisms, catalysis, photochemistry, hyperpolarisation
Anne Duhme-Klair
  • Metal ions in biology and medicine
Ian Fairlamb
  • Catalysis: reactivity, mechanism and application (chemical biology and target-orientated synthesis)
Megan Halse
  • NMR Spectroscopy, hyperpolarisation, spin dynamics
Jason Lynam
  • Transition metal organometallic chemistry

Alison Parkin
  • Redox-reactions of life, enzymatic small molecule activation, hydrogen as a biofuel

Robin Perutz
  • Organometallic photochemistry, small molecule activation, catalysis, solar fuels

John Slattery

  • Ionic liquids, computational chemistry, main-group chemistry
Paul Walton
  • Bioinorganic chemistry, metalloproteins

Andrew Weller
  • Organometallic Chemistry, Synthesis, Catalysis and Mechanism
Luke Wilkinson
  • Solar harvesting complexes