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Employee Engagement Survey

We asked. You answered. We are listening.

2024 UNC System Engagement logo


In March and April 2024, 泫圖弝けapp faculty and staff were asked to participate in the , which was a follow-up to the initial survey launched in 2018 (2018 UNC System Employee Engagement Survey - Summary of Results) and followed up in 2020 (2020 UNC System Employee Engagement Survey Summary of Results) and in 2022 (2022 UNC System Employee Engagement Survey Summary of Results).

The Engagement survey was developed by the University of North Carolina system to help achieve the goals of the UNC System Strategic Plan and also aligns closely with the goals of WCUs University Strategic Plan. The survey was administered through an outside vendor, Modern Think, which has implemented similar studies for hundreds of colleges nationwide and for the Chronicle of Higher Education Great Colleges to Work For report.

The data collected through the survey process has established baseline and potential trend metrics that will allow university leadership to build on success and address challenges. The survey results may also assist the UNC system in advocating for improvements to human resource policies at the state level that are generally beyond the universitys institutional control.

The 2024 survey was administered as a pulse survey and measured employee satisfaction in 10 broad areas ranging from job satisfaction and support to communication and Faculty and Staff Well-being. Overall participation was excellent with 63% of WCU employees responding (compared to 40% for the UNC System overall). WCUs overall average rating on the survey of 74% exceeded both the 2024 UNC System average (66%) and WCUs 2022 rating (68%).

If you have questions about the survey, please contact Dr. Cory Causby, WCU's Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources.
