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The official regulations contain general regulatory information, registration information for students, faculty, staff, and visitors, enforcement, penalties, fines, and appeals. Copies of the Parking and Traffic Regulations, along with color-coded maps of campus parking areas, are available at the Parking Operations Office. 

The Parking Operations office is open from 8 AM - 5 PM, Monday - Friday.

Read the official regulations

Information on tickets and appeals

Additional summary information:

  • When a student, faculty member, staff member, or visitor receives three or more citations in a semester, the parking privileges of the permit holder or registered owner is revoked according to the Habitual Offender Policy. Vehicles parked on campus by the permit holder or registered owner during the suspension period will be wheel-locked or towed. 

  • Parking privileges may also be revoked for receiving more than one citation for parking in a disability space and for any fraudulent registration activity. 

  • Vehicles may also be towed for individual violations where a roadway or sidewalk is blocked, when disability access is blocked, for parking in a reserved or disability space, for failing to clear a designated lot on game day, and for other violations and situations where towing is judged necessary to preserve order. Most of the time, towed vehicles are impounded on campus. If the Parking Operations Office staff determines that the owner or operator of a towed vehicle is a current student, the Parking Operations Office pays the tow driver and places the charge on the student's account. If the owner or registered owner is not a student, the vehicle is impounded until the permit holder or the registered owner of the vehicle reimburses the Parking Operations Office for the tow charges. 

  • Appeals of wheel-lock and towing fees may be made to the Student Government Association through the online parking T2 Portal.. If an appellate of towing fees is dissatisfied with the decision of the Student Government Association, they may appeal to the District Court [NCGS §116-44.4(i) (2)(c)]. 

  • Wheel-lock fees may not be appealed beyond the Student Government Association. 

  • The Parking and Transportation Department is not responsible for damages that occur due to towing. Individuals who believe that their cars have been damaged by towing should contact the tow service involved. Each tow service that contracts to tow on campus must be covered with liability insurance for such damages. 

  • Wheel-Lock Policy is designed to facilitate the enforcement of parking regulations, the Police Department/ Parking and Transportation Department and its employees may use wheel-locks on either vehicles that are parked illegally in certain restricted parking areas defined below or for other designated situations. The restricted areas will be designated on University maps issued by the University Parking Operations Unit and with signage in the affected areas that announces "Wheel Lock Zone."

  • Vehicles are strictly prohibited from parking in fire lanes and loading zones at all times. Such areas are also designated as a wheel-lock zone or tow.

  • Vehicles parked in expired parking metered for extended periods of time may be wheel-locked.

  • Any motorist is displaying a lost or stolen permit, an unregistered vehicle that has accumulated three or more unpaid tickets, unvoided tickets or a registered vehicle that has accumulated five (5) or more tickets, whether paid or unpaid, during a semester (habitual violator) may be wheel-locked.

 1. Upon discovering a vehicle parked in a restricted area without the appropriate parking permit or in one of the other above described situations, the vehicle may be wheel-locked by an employee of University Parking Operations. If the vehicle is discovered after-hours, a police officer or other department employee may wheel-lock the vehicle. 

2. The wheel-lock shall be attached in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions in a manner in which the wheel-lock is obviously visible to the operator of the vehicle as he or she enters the vehicle. 

3. Care shall be taken to ensure that damage does not occur to the vehicle during the installation or removal of the wheel-lock. Before installing the wheel-lock, the employee shall first inspect the area on which the wheel-lock is to be installed for any sign of damage. Such damage shall be documented. 

4. After installing a wheel-lock upon a vehicle, the employee shall affix a sticker to the driver's window or windshield of the vehicle. 

Any attempt to move the vehicle may result in its damage. Ìð¹ÏÊÓƵapp is not responsible for any damage to an immobilized vehicle resulting from, but not limited to, unauthorized attempts to free or move the vehicle or wheel lock, acts of vandalism or negligence of others. In order to have this wheel-lock removed, you must appear at the Parking Operations office located at Camp Building 106, Western Carolina University (828.227.7275) an administrative removal fee in the amount of $75.00 (effective July 1, 2015) will be placed on the students account. For wheel lock removal after 5:00 pm please call (828.227.7301). Unauthorized removal or attempted removal of the wheel-lock may result in arrest and prosecution.

5. Individuals appearing at the Parking Operations office during business hours to have a wheel-lock removed will be processed by staff then notify a Parking Enforcement employee to remove the wheel-lock. 

6. After-hour wheel-lock removal shall be processed in the following manner: 

a. A signed Wheel-Lock Removal form with a copy of the individuals indentification, will be placed in the Parking Operations office for the clerical staff to process on the next business day. 

b. After completing the Wheel-Lock Form, the supervisor or senior officer will cause the wheel-lock to be removed. 

7. Complaints by the motorist of damage to his or her vehicle shall be documented. The employee removing the wheel-lock will inspect the area after the removal of the wheel-lock. Any evidence of damage and the corresponding circumstances shall be documented. 

8. Vehicles found in restricted areas without parking permits shall not be wheel-locked until their presence in these areas is investigated. These vehicles shall be examined to determine if they appear to belong to visitors. Vehicles that do not appear to be visitors may be wheel-locked if they meet the criteria contained herein. 

9. Parking Enforcement may immobilize vehicles in lieu of towing. The vehicle operator will be required to report to the Parking Operations office to obtain the release of the vehicle. Failure to report to the Parking Operations office prior to 5:00 pm on the date of immobilization may result in the vehicle being towed off campus at the owner's expense. A wheel lock fee of $75.00 will be charged to the student account. Additional towing fees may apply. All parking fines and fees are paid at One Stop (227-7170) or online in the student account. 

*Note: The penalty for unauthorized removal or damage of the immobilization device (boot) shall be equal to the cost of repair or replacement of the device. ($500.00) 

10. Nothing contained herein shall prohibit a law enforcement officer from using a wheel-lock to immobilize a vehicle for criminal investigative purposes. 

Appeal of Wheel-Lock Fee

At the time that a person contacts a member of Parking Operations or the police supervisor or Senior officer regarding the wheel-lock, the person may orally appeal the immobilization of his or her vehicle. Parking Operations employees may hear the appeal and have the authority to waive the fee if they believe the person's appeal has merit. A person whose oral appeal is denied is required to pay the necessary fees. A person whose oral appeal is not granted may file a written appeal to the Student Government Association within 14 days of the date the vehicle was released. If the appeal to the Student Government Association is granted, the University shall refund the amount charged for immobilizing the vehicle. 

The following areas on campus are designated as restricted parking areas subject to the use of wheel-locks in which parking is allowed only with the appropriate permit: 

  • All faculty/staff parking areas, parking spaces that are specifically reserved by signage such as designated or handicap spaces. 



  • Students who register a vehicle will have the parking permit fee added to their student account where it is added to other tuition and fees. This makes it possible for loans, scholarships, and some other types of financial aid to cover the cost of vehicle registration. 

Faculty, staff, and contractual employees:

  • Full-time faculty and staff pay for the parking permit through payroll deduction. Full-time faculty and staff may only purchase parking permits through payroll deduction. As long as the full-time faculty or staff employee maintains the payroll deduction, his or her permit is valid and non-expiring. No annual renewal is required. Upon termination of employment, an employee must surrender his or her permit in order to terminate the payroll deduction. Part-time employees and some contractual employees may purchase their parking permits on a pro-rated basis by debit or credit card at the Parking Operations Office.



All students, staff, and faculty may register more than one vehicle to a parking permit; however, only one vehicle is allowed on campus at any time displaying the parking permit. For commuters, faculty, and staff members who will have more than one car on campus at a time, a second parking permit for the additional vehicle must be purchased. For anyone who wishes to register more than one vehicle but intends to have only one of the registered vehicles on campus at any given time, the parking permit may be moved from one vehicle to another.

Temporary permits may be purchased short term for $7.50 per week or $5.00 a day. Temporary permits must be purchased if a vehicle is to be on campus without having a valid parking permit. 


Visitors are encouraged to obtain a visitor parking permit when on campus. 

University employees who are inviting groups of more than five people to campus should notify the Parking Enforcement Office (227-7275) and discuss parking arrangements before invitations are issued.


Parking rules and regulations require all faculty and staff to register their vehicles. Any student who chooses not to register their vehicle and finds that they must park on campus on a weekday before 5:00 pm. to use the library, visit the Bookstore, or take care of other business must have the vehicle registered. Unregistered vehicles operated by faculty, staff, students, or contractual employees will be cited for non-registration. This exception does not apply to parking at the residence halls. All vehicles at the residence halls must be registered at all times. Resident students who anticipate visiting parents or other non-university affiliated visitors should obtain a visitor's pass for their vehicle.

When unregistered vehicles receive citations, the owners of the vehicle are identified through computerized links with motor vehicle offices in all 50 states. If the owner is identified as a student, staff member, faculty member, contractual employee, or a member of such person’s family, the fines are applied to that individual’s account.

If a student, faculty, staff, or contractual employee member trades his or her registered vehicle for another vehicle, he or she must provide the Parking Operations Office staff with the information on the vehicles so that the registration records may be updated.

Report all lost or stolen permits to the Parking Operations Office. Lost or stolen permits will be replaced for $10.00. University Police will investigate all thefts, prosecute offenders where possible, and assist the victim in recovering the cost of the stolen permit from the thief. Individuals who recover parking permits that may be lost or stolen must submit them to the Parking Operations Office. Anyone found displaying a lost or stolen permit is subject to having their vehicle wheel-locked or towed and/or criminal charges.

When a change in a driver’s official status occurs (a resident student officially moves off campus, a commuter student officially moves onto campus, a student becomes a faculty or staff member), a replacement decal with the correct classification will be issued at no additional cost or refunds.

Notify the Parking Operations Office immediately (828-227-7411) during normal business hours Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm) if your vehicle is disabled, nights and weekends call 828-227-7301. They may also be able to help you get your vehicle to a legal parking space so that you do not receive citations. Officers will also confirm that the vehicle is disabled and may authorize 24 hours to have the car repaired or moved.

In order to park legally in a disability space on campus, a vehicle must display an official disability placard approved by the state or a disability license plate.


According to the Traffic Regulations, any contested citation must be appealed within seven days of issuance.