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Swim Programs


collage of swimmers of various ages in pool


American Red Cross Youth Swim Lessons

American Red Cross Logo


Current 2025 Classes
March 4 - 27, 2025
Tues, Wed and Thursday Evenings**
All Classes: $69.00 per child

**This session will NOT meet the week of March 10 due to Spring Break.
Therefore it will meet 3 days per week instead of the usual two. 

Upcoming 2025 Classes
April 1-29, 2025
Tuesday and Thursday Evenings
All Classes: $69.00 per child

Note: Some sessions may change based on enrollment numbers. All children will be appropriately placed regardless.

Parent/Child Levels  (6 months 3 years)

Purpose: To familiarize children with the water and teach swimming readiness skills. Provides safety information for parents and teaches techniques that parents can use to orient their children to the water.

Time:  5:30 pm - 6:00 pm (Limit 10)
Introduces basic skills to parents and children that lays a foundation for learning to swim.
No prerequisite skills required, only age minimum
A parent or guardian (18 and over) is required to be in the water for each child enrolled at this level.

Time:  5:30 - 5:00 pm (Limit 10)
Builds on skills learned in level 1 and introduces more advances skills.
Parent required to be in the water for each child


    • Completion of Parent/Child Level 1
    • Child understands how to ask for permission before entering the water and waits for permission.
    • Child is comfortable in the water with a parent.
    • Child can submerge their mouth, nose, and eyes completely.
    • Child understands how to blow bubbles.
    • Child understands how to move their legs while on their front and back.

While the age minimum is still 6 months for this level, children are usually at least 12-18 months before they are ready for a level 2 class.

Preschool (3 5 years)

Purpose: Facilitate developmentally appropriate learning of fundamental water safety and aquatic skills. The is recommended for children who are 4 -5 years of age, however, a 3-year-old student may be able to join if they are developmentally ready with basic water skills and mature enough to follow directions without a parent present.

Time:  5:30 pm - 6:00 pm (limit 5)
Introduces basic aquatic skills that will continue to be built upon as a child progresses through levels. No prerequisite skills required, only age minimum

Time: 6:10 pm - 6:40 pm    (Limit 6)
Further develops basic aquatic skills. Children will begin to develop some independent aquatic skills. Prerequisites:  Perform the following skills with assistance of an adult (unless otherwise specified):

  • Enter the water independently, travel at least 5 yards in the pool, submerge mouth and blow bubbles for at least 3 seconds, then safely exit the water (child can walk, move along the wall, or swim)
  • While in shallow water, glide on front for at least 2 body lengths, then roll to back and float on back for 3 seconds, then stand up.

Questions to ask yourself before registering for this level:

  • Is my child comfortable getting their face wet?
  • Can they blow bubbles for at least 3 seconds?
  • Are they comfortable laying on their back in the water with the help of an adult? Their front?
  • Do they know how to kick their legs and move their arms on the front and the back, with the help of an adult?
  • If the answer to any of the above is No, they should register for level 1

Learn to Swim (Ages 5 12 years)

Purpose: Teaches children and young teens to be safe in, on and around the water and to swim well. Aquatic and personal water safety skills are taught in a logical progression as children progress through the levels. The is recommended for children who are 6 years of age or older, however, a 5-year-old student may be able to join if they are developmentally ready and mature enough.

Time:  5:30 pm - 6:00 pm (limit 5)
Time:  6:10 pm 6:40 pm (limit 5)
Time:  6:50 pm - 7:20 pm 
(limit 5)

Introduces basic aquatic skills. Start developing positive attitudes with the water, effective swimming habits, and safe practices in and around the water. No prerequisite skills required, only age minimum

Time:  6:10 pm - 6:40 pm     (limit 5)

Build fundamental aquatic skills. Develop many independent swimming skills, including floating and gliding.


  • Enter independently, travel at least 5 yards, bob 5 times, then safely exit the water (child can walk, move along the wall, or swim)
  • Glide on the front at least 2 body lengths, roll to a back float for 5 seconds, then stand up (this can be performed with assistance of a noodle or bar float)

Questions to ask yourself before registering for this level:

  • Can my child fully submerge underwater, blow bubbles, and bob at least 5 times independently?
  • Can my child open their eyes underwater (with or without goggles that cover only the eyes) without holding their nose?
  • Can my child front glide and front float with only a noodle for support?
  • Can my child back glide and back float with only a noodle for support?
  • Can my child roll from their front to their back, and from their back to their front?
  • If the answer to any of the above is No, they should register for level 1

Time:  5:30pm 6:00pm (limit 5)
Time:  6:50 pm - 7:20 pm 
(limit 5)

Expands proficiency of previously learned skills. Begins to develop formal strokes of front crawl and elementary backstroke at rudimentary levels.


  • Step into the side into chest deep water, push off the bottom, move into a treading or floating position for at least 15 seconds, swim on front and/or back for 5 body lengths, then exit the water.
  • Move into a back float for 15 seconds, roll to front, then stand up.
  • Push off and swim using combined arm and leg actions on front for 5 body lengths, roll to back, float for 15 seconds, roll to front, then continue swimming for at least 5 body lengths.

Questions to ask yourself before registering for this level:

    • Can my child fully submerge and hold their breath for at least 10 seconds?
    • Can my child bob in the water at least 10 times in a row independently?
    • Can my child front float in a face down position for at least 10 seconds independently?
    • Can my child back float for at least 15 seconds independently?
    • Can my child make forward motion by swimming on their front for at least 5 body lengths, independently?
    • Can my child make forward motion by swimming on their back for at least 5 body lengths, independently?
    • Can my child tread water for at least 15 seconds, independently?
    • If the answer to any of the above is No, they should register for level 1 or 2 (refer to level 2 info)

Time:  6:50 pm - 7:20 pm (limit 5)

Improves skills and increases endurance by swimming for greater distances and with more proficiency. Participants begin to learn the breaststroke, back crawl, and butterfly.


  • Jump into deep water, recover to surface, maintain position by treading or floating for 1 minute, rotate one full turn to orient to the exit point, level off, swim front crawl and/or elementary backstroke for 25 yards, then exit the water.
  • Push off in a streamlined position then swim front crawl for 15 yards, change position and direction, swim elementary backstroke for 15 yards, then exit the water.

Questions to ask yourself before registering for this level:

  • Can my child float on their back for at least 1 minute in deep water?
  • Can my child tread water in deep water for at least 1 minute?
  • Can my child swim front crawl for at least 15 yards without stopping?
  • Can my child swim elementary backstroke for at least 15 yards without stopping?
  • Can my child swim a breaststroke kick for at least 15 yards?
  • If the answer to any of the above is no, they should register for level 3 or lower.

Time:  6:50 pm - 7:20 pm (limit 5)

Refine their performance of all six strokes (front crawl, back crawl, butterfly, breaststroke, elementary backstroke, and sidestroke) and increase the distances that they swim. Participants also learn to perform flip turns on the front and back.


  • Perform a feet first entry into deep water, swim front crawl for 25 yards, change direction and position as necessary, and swim elementary backstroke for 25 yards.
  • Swim breaststroke for 15 yards, change direction and position as necessary, and swim back crawl for 15 yards.
  • Submerge and swim a distance of 3 to 5 body lengths underwater without hyperventilating, return to the surface, then exit the water.

Questions to ask yourself before registering for this level:

  • Can my child swim front crawl for 25 yards without stopping?
  • Can my child swim elementary backstroke for 25 yards without stopping?
  • Can my child swim breaststroke for 15 yards without stopping?
  • Can my child swim back crawl for 15 yards without stopping?
  • Can my child swim butterfly for 15 yards without stopping?
  • Can my child swim sidestroke for 15 yards without stopping?
  • Can my child perform an open turn on their front and back?
  • Can my child perform a flutter and dolphin kicks on their back?
  • Can my child perform a streamline position on back, then begin kicking on back?
  • Can my child tread water for at minimum a minute?
  • If the answer to any of the above is no, they should register for level 4 or lower.

Advanced Swim Courses (Level 3 or higher)

Time:  6:10 pm - 6:40 pm (limit 5)

  • Needs to have completed and passed Learn to Swim 3 or Adult with confidence in their swimming skills.
  •  Gain knowledge of physical fitness in the water and water safety skills. Fitness Swimmer, you will learn training principles and how to evaluate your level of fitness.
    • Prerequisites:
      • Passed LTS 3 or Adult (16+) that is confident in their swimming ability.
      • Maintain position on your back for 1 minute in deep water (floating or sculling)
      • Tread water for 1 minute

Time:  6:50 pm - 7:20 pm (limit 5)

  • Needs to have completed and passed Learn to Swim 3 or Adult with confidence in their swimming skills.
  • Fundamentals of Diving: You will learn the basics of competitive diving two-part take-off feet first entry and two-part take-off headfirst entry. Along with that, you will gain the knowledge and experience of learning starts from a starting block for competitive swimming.
    • Prerequisites:
      • Passed LTS 3 or Adult (16+) that is confident in their swimming ability.
      • Maintain position on your back for 1 minute in deep water (floating or sculling)
      • Tread water for 1 minute

All participants in WCU swim programs must carefully read and agree to the terms of the WCU Campus Recreation Center and Reid Pool Assumption of Risk and Release/Waiver of Claims.