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Professional Development for International Teachers

Reading Research to Classroom Practice (RRtCP)

USD $200
January 2024 session has begun. Contact if you are interested in registering for a future session.

Reading Research to Classroom Practice (RRtCP) is an online professional development about evidence-based reading strategies. The content includes instruction based on the principles of reading (phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension). This session will include interactive lessons, guided interventions, and seat work that will prepare the participant to effectively implement reading practices within their classrooms. In addition, based on the level of completion and proficiency, the participant will earn a certificate as RRtCP trained.

Live session dates (via Zoom): Jan 3, Jan 17, Jan 31, Feb 7, Feb 21 (+4 more TBD)
Live sessions will begin at 6:00pm (EST)

By the end of this professional development program, participants will:

  • Demonstrate ability to assess individual students to include a summary of the students reading performance level and assessment of the students’ phonemic awareness skills, letter-sound association skills, word identification skills, sight word reading skills, reading fluency, vocabulary and reading comprehension.
  • Demonstrate ability to effectively plan and teach a comprehensive series of daily lessons which include explicit instructional procedures, activities and materials for teaching phonemic awareness skills, letter-sound association skills, word identification skills, sight word reading skills, reading fluency, vocabulary and reading comprehension and monitoring students’ progress in the development of reading skills.
  • Demonstrate ability to assess through curriculum-based assessment individual students writing ability to include a summary of writing performance and assessment of fine motor skills and the mechanics of writing.
  • Demonstrate ability to plan and teach aspects of written language through explicit, multisensory teaching strategies which include all parts of reading instruction based on science of reading.
  • Demonstrate ability to assess individual students’ spelling abilities and effectively plan and teach a comprehensive series of daily lessons which include explicit instructional procedures on the rules of spelling.
  • Expand your knowledge on current topics in the field, evidence-based research practices.
  • Describe asset-based pedagogical approaches including Culturally Relevant Pedagogy (CRP) and Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy (CSP).
  • Develop lesson plans, select texts and materials that align to instructional goals, reflect an anti-biased stance (CRP & CSP), and result in a rich literate classroom environment.

Dr. Tammy Barron
Dr. Charmion Rush