The Public Policy Institute welcomes applications for affiliated faculty positions. Affiliated faculty will be appointed for one year and receive $2500 to support a research project investigating some issue of policy relevance in the region. [1] The money cannot be spent on salary or course releases but may be spent on anything else that fits within state guidelines and supports the work of the project (purchasing data, student labor, travel, etc.). Two affiliated faculty positions will be granted this year and applications are due on February 12.
Affiliated faculty will work on a project that will have both academic and practical audiences. The successful candidates will be expected to produce at least one scholarly product and one applied product (e.g. white paper, technical report for an organization, op-op-ed) during their affiliated faculty year. This year’s faculty will also be asked to select next year’s faculty. Preference will be given to projects that have an empirical, evidence-based design (quantitative, qualitative or mixed method). Affiliated faculty may also be asked (but not required) to participate in the work of the Public Policy Institute in other ways that fit with their scholarly interests.
Affiliated faculty positions are open to all full-time, tenured or tenure-track faculty at Ƶapp—regardless of department or college affiliation. Collaborative projects are welcome, and although co-authors may each be named an affiliated faculty, only one stipend will be given per project.
Interested candidates should submit the following to Chris Cooper ( with the subject line “PPI Affiliated Faculty Application”:
Please direct questions to Chris Cooper at
[1] We plan to have this money available this fiscal year, but depending on the budget situation, it may not be available until the next fiscal year.