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File a Grievance

Grievance Process

Health Services strives to provide quality patient care that is affordable and effective and serves the needs of the WCU patient population.   Patients are afforded the opportunity to provide feedback on their experience with Health Services through satisfaction surveys, concerns, compliments, and suggestions form and a formal Grievance process.  

A Grievance is an official statement of a complaint about something believed to be wrong or unfair. The Director of Health Services is responsible for investigating Grievances, providing feedback to the patient, determining any corrective actions as needed and following the issue to resolution. Grievances are treated with the utmost priority by Health Services and patients are provided with feedback by the end of the following business day once a Grievance has been reported.  

As outlined in the Patient's Rights and Responsibilities, patients may file a formal Grievance in any of the following ways:

  • Call the Director of Health Services at 828.227.3475 
  • Email a written statement to the Director of Health Services 
  • Speak in person to the Director of Health Services by visiting the Bird Building 1st Floor

Please note that a formal Grievance cannot be anonymous.

If the issue cannot be resolved to the patient’s satisfaction, the patient has the right to appeal any decisions and escalate the Grievance to the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Office.

Concerns, Compliments or Suggestions 

Patients may also provide feedback to Health Services via our 'Concerns, Compliments or Suggestions' form.  This feedback can be submitted anonymously and is considered 'spot' feedback, not a formal grievance.

submit a concern, compliment or suggestion