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Dr. Amanda Storm

Amanda Storm

Associate Professor

College of Arts and Sciences


Contact Information

Email: arstorm@wcu.edu
Phone: 828.227.3664
Office: 443 Apodaca Science Building
Personal Website:
Pronouns: She/Her


Postdoctoral Research and Teaching; James Madison University, Harrisonburg VA<br>Ph.D.; Miami University, Oxford OH<br>B.S.; Central State University, Wilberforce OH


  • Ph D, Miami University
  • BS, Central State University

Teaching Interests

BIOL140 General Biology<br>BIOL194 Biotechnology FYS<br>BIOL240 Intro Genetics<br>BIOL421/521 Principles of Biotechnology<br>BIOL480/593 Protein Bioinformatics

Research Interests

My ongoing research projects are connected by the desire to understand how aspects of protein sequence and structure translate into functional diversity. All living processes come down to molecular interactions and knowledge of how proteins interact is key to better understanding our world and leveraging that understanding for future innovation, whether that is optimizing plants for increased yield and stress tolerance for climate reliance or finding new targets for antibiotics.<br><br>Undergraduate and graduate students in my lab will have projects related to these broad questions involving a variety of approaches, such as generation and characterization of transgenic and T-DNA knock-out plants, protein bioinformatics, enzyme kinetics, molecular cloning and analysis of protein interactions and modifications.