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Brad Daniel

Brad Daniel

Adjunct Faculty

College of Education and Allied Professions

Human Services

Contact Information

Email: danielr@wcu.edu
Pronouns: he/him


Dr. Brad Daniel has been a college professor, wilderness trip leader, and field science instructor for over 40 years. He teaches several courses in the Masters in Experiential and Outdoor Education (EOE) program including <i>Group Facilitation and Teaching Methods</i> and <i>Interpreting the Natural World</i>. Brad’s passion is using the outdoors to engage the heart, challenge the mind, and nurture the spirit.<br><br>Brad is certified as a Leave No Trace Master Educator, a Certified Outdoor Educator (Wilderness Education Association), an Environmental Educator (State of North Carolina), and an Interpretive Guide (National Association for Interpretation). He has served in various roles in professional organizations including Board Member and President of the Environmental Educators of North Carolina (EENC), Chair of the Leadership Team for the Southeastern Environmental Education Alliance (SEEA), and Coordinator of the Southeast State Representatives for the Association for Experiential Education’s (AEE) Southeast Regional Council (AEESE). He has served as a co-chair of the Association for Experiential Education’s Symposium for Experiential Education Research (SEER) and the Wilderness Education Association’s Outdoor Leadership Research Symposium (OLRS). Currently, he serves on the Coalition for Education in the Outdoors (CEO) Research Committee.<br><br>Brad holds the following advanced degrees.<br>Ph.D., Antioch University New England, <i>Environmental Studies</i><br>M.L.A.S., University of North Carolina-Asheville, <i>Liberal Arts & Sciences</i><br>M.S., Northern Illinois University, <i>Outdoor Teacher Education</i><br>M.A., Appalachian State University<i>, Biology</i>/<i>Ecology</i><br><br>Brad has received the Melva Fager Okun Lifetime Achievement in Environmental Education Award from the Environmental Educators of North Carolina (2016), and the Frank Lupton Service Award from the Wilderness Education Association (2017). At Montreat College, where he taught from 1984 to 2017, he was a two-time recipient of the David L. Parks Distinguished Professor Award (1987, 2003) and was named Professor of the Decade (2001-2010). He also received the Dean’s Award (2008) and was named Teacher of the Year four times.<br><br>Brad is a co-founder and Executive Director of 2<sup>nd</sup> Nature TREC (Training, Research, Education, Consulting), a consulting agency that partners with existing programs to help them become more effective at what they do. Brad enjoys hiking, canoeing, photography, philanthropy, rescuing dogs, drinking coffee, exploring natural landscapes via any mode of travel, and reflecting on this thing called life.


  • MS, Northern Illinois University

Teaching Interests

<b>Graduate Courses Taught at WCU, Montreat College (MC), and Antioch University New England (AUNE):</b><br>Group Facilitation and Teaching Methods (WCU)<br>Interpreting the Natural World (WCU)<br>Teaching Methods for Outdoor Settings (AUNE)<br>Experiential Education: Learning in Meaningful Contexts (AUNE)<br>Environmental History and Philosophy (MC)<br>Thesis/project (MC)<br>Research Methods (MC)<br>Earth Systems Science (MC)<br>Science Seminar (MC)<br>American Ecosystems (Traveling Field Course to 19 National Parks) (MC)<br>Field Meteorology (AUNE)<br>Environmental Education Methods: Non-Formal Settings (AUNE)

Research Interests

<b>Current research interests include:</b><br>- Outdoor programming, significant life experiences, and formative life events<br>- Autonomous student experiences<br>- The impact of landscapes on inspiration, wonder, and awe<br>- Factors that influence the human-nature relationship<br>- The impact of outdoor experiences on brain wave activity<br><br><b>Recent Publications</b><br>Daniel, B., Bobilya, A. J. & Faircloth, W. B. (2022, February). <i>The life significance of an Outward Bound expedition: 50 years later. </i>Paper presented at the Coalition for Education in the Outdoors 15<sup>th</sup> Biennial Research Symposium, Black Mountain, NC.<br><br>Daniel, B., Shores, J., & Faircloth, W. B. (2021). The effects of natural landscapes on inspiration: An exploratory study. <i>Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education and Leadership, 13</i>(4)<i>, </i>30-45<i>.</i><br><br>Hines, E., Daniel, B. & Bobilya, A. J. (2020). Environmental views of<br>the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. <i>Ecopsychology, 12</i>(2), 118-127.<br><br>Bobilya, A. J., Kalisch, K. R., Daniel, B. & Coulson, E. (2015). An investigation of participant’s intended and actual transfer of learning following an Outward Bound wilderness experience. <i>Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education and Leadership, 7</i>(2), 93-111.<br><br>Bobilya, A. J., Kalisch, K., & Daniel, B. (2014). Participants’ perceptions of their Outward Bound final expedition and the relationship to instructor supervisory position. <i>Journal of</i> <i>Experiential Education, 37</i>(4), 397-414<i>.</i><br><br>Daniel, B., Bobilya, A. J., Kalisch, K. R. & McAvoy, L. H. (2014). Autonomous student experiences in outdoor and adventure education programming. <i>Journal of Experiential Education, 37</i>(1), 4-17.<br><br>Kalisch, K. R., Bobilya, A. J. & Daniel, B. (2011) The Outward Bound solo: A study of participants’ perceptions. <i>Journal of Experiential Education</i>, <i>34</i>(1), 1-18.<br> <br>Bobilya, A. J., Kalisch, K., & Daniel, B. (2011). The Outward Bound Final Expedition: Exploring the effect of instructor positioning on the student experience. <i>Journal of Outdoor Recreation, Education, and Leadership</i>, <i>3</i>(2), 80-83<b>.</b><br><br><b><b>Recent Practitioner Publications</b><br></b>Daniel, B. (2020). Hiking the Seven C’s: A Model for Planning Field Excursions. <i>Green Teacher </i>Issue 124 (Summer).<br> <br>Daniel, B. (2020). Linville Caverns: An Underground Wonderland. In Smith, A. C. & Carrier, S. J. (Eds.) <i>30 Great North Carolina Science Adventures</i>. Chapel Hill, NC: UNC Press.<br> <br>Daniel, B. (2020). Mt. Mitchell: An Ecological Island in the Sky. In Smith, A. C. & Carrier, S. J. (Eds.) <i>30 Great North Carolina Science Adventures</i>. Chapel Hill, NC: UNC Press.<br> <br>Daniel, B. (2020). Linville Gorge Wilderness Area: North Carolina’s Grand Canyon. In Smith, A. C. & Carrier, S. J. (Eds.) <i>30 Great North Carolina Science Adventures</i>. Chapel Hill, NC: UNC Press.<br>Daniel, B. & Knapp, C. E. (2015). Nighttime Adventures: Exploring and Appreciating the Mysteries of the Night by Leading Walks after Dark, in Grant, T., & Littlejohn, G. (Eds.) <i>Teaching in the Outdoors</i>. Green Teacher.<br> <br>Bobilya, A. J., Daniel, B., & Kalisch, K. (2015). Case 12–3 Autonomous Student Experiences: Are They Too Risky for Today’s Outdoor Adventure Program? In Black, R. & Bricker, K. (Eds.) <i>Adventure Programming and Travel for the 21st Century</i>. State College, PA: Venture.<br> <br>Daniel, B. & Bobilya, A. J. (2012). Guarding Safety Without Compromising Learning: The Value of Unaccompanied Components. In Martin, B. & Wagstaff, M. (Eds.), <i>Controversial Issues in Adventure Programming</i>. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. <br> <br>Daniel, B. and Knapp, C.E. (2011) Nighttime Adventures: Exploring and appreciating the mysteries of the night by leading walks after dark. <i>Green Teacher</i> Issue 93 (Summer).<br> <br>Daniel, B. (2011) Learn from My Mistakes; Using a Dialectical Approach for Training Outdoor Educators. <i>Green Teacher</i> Issue 91 (Winter).<br> <br>Daniel, B. (2010). Alexander Humboldt: Experiential Expeditionary Scientist. In <i>Sourcebook of Experiential Education: Key Thinkers and Their Contribution</i>s. T. E Smith and C. E. Knapp (eds.) New York, NY: Routledge.