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Tarek Kandil

Tarek Kandil

Assistant Professor

College of Engineering and Technology

Engineering and Technology

Contact Information

Email: thassankandil@wcu.edu
Phone: 828.227.2543
Office: 337 Belk Building
Personal Website:


<b>Tarek Kandil</b> Tarek Kandil has been an assistant professor at Western Carolina University since August 2022. He got his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, in 1993 and 1999, respectively, and his Ph.D. from the University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, in 2004. He has over 19 years of experience teaching at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, as well as ongoing research and collaboration in the fields of renewable energy; AI and machine learning applications; energy management; hybrid energy systems; microgrid protection<br><b>Google Scholar:</b> <b>https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=b8Yv8KMAAAAJ&hl=en</b> <b> </b>


  • Ph D, University Of Alberta-Edmonton, AB, Canada, Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • MSE, Cairo University-Cairo, Egypt, Electrical Power & Machines
  • BSE, Cairo University-Cairo, Egypt, Electrical Power & Machines

Teaching Interests

1. Advanced Power Electronics & Drives<br>2. Fundamentals of Electric Power Systems<br>3. Modern Power System Analysis<br>4. Electric Circuits-I<br>5. Electric Circuits-II<br>6. Logic Circuit Design

Research Interests

<b><u>Research projects in progress</u></b><br>1. Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Resilient and Sustainable Energy Systems Powered by Renewable Energy Resources<br>2. Enhancing DFIG Low-Voltage-Ride-Through Capability in Micro Grids.<br>3. Control of DVR with Online Regulated DC-Link Capacitor in Micro-Grid System<br>4. Smart grid and location of distributed generation resources.<br><br><u><b>Recent Publications</b></u><br><b>Journal Articles</b><br><b>Hassan Kandil, T. A.</b> (2024). Investigation of the Impact of Fault Characteristics on the Cost-Effectiveness of Doubly Fed Induction Generator-Based Wind Systems in Withstanding Low-Voltage Ride-Through. <i>Sustainability, 16</i>(13), 5812. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16135812<br><br>Mohamed, E., Shawky, A., Almutairi, S., Aly, M., Ahmed, E., <b>Hassan Kandil, T. A.</b>, & Hassan, M. (2023). Optimal 1+PDDF/FOPIT frequency regulator for developing robust multi-microgrid systems with employing EV energy storage batteries. <i>Journal of Energy Storage, 73</i>(C). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.est.2023.109088<br><br>Ali, M. H., Soliman, A. M. A., Abdeen, M., <b>Hassan Kandil, T. A.,</b> Abdelaziz, A., & El-Shahat, A. (2023). A Novel Stochastic Optimizer Solving Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch Problem Considering Renewable Energy Resources. <i>ENERGIES, 16</i>(4). https://doi.org/10.3390/en16041562<br><br>AL-Wesabi, I., Zhijian, F., Farh, Hassan M. Hussein, Al-Shammaa, A. A., Dong, H., Al-Shaalan, A. M., & <b>Hassan Kandil, T. A.</b> (2022). Maximum power extraction and DC-Bus voltage regulation in grid-connected PV/BES system using modified incremental inductance with a novel inverter control. <i>SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 12</i>(1). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-22952-0<br><br><b>Conference Articles</b><br><b>Hassan Kandil, T. A.,</b> Kennedy, H., Griffith, B., DeWeese, J., Ottie, J. A Portable Educational Model for an Energy Management System of Duke Energy. <i>Submitted to 2025 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition.</i>