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Special Collections Donors

Hunter Library’s Special and Digital Collections would like to thank our gracious donors for their support.  The following individuals and organizations have contributed to our collection, and we appreciate their generosity.

Elizabeth Addison
Fred Alexander
Jo Pryor Allman
David C. Anderson
Ann McKee Austin
Margaret Bare
Linda Barnickel
John B. Battle
Kathy Abbott Beam
Kevin Beauchesne
Royce Bemis
Sue Hedden Benson
Tyler Blethen
Joyce Blunk
Burton J. Bogitsh
Eric L. Brady
Frank Brannon
Midge Brasch
Ben and Sue Ellen Bridgers
Mrs. Frank Brown
Carol M. Bryson
Lucille Bryson
Bertha Buff
Barbara Capps
Gary Carden
Joe Carter
Charles E. Cathey
Etheree Chancellor and Barbara Dooley
Martha Chapman
Patrick Clark
Jean Nicholson Cogdill
Norma Coggins
Marsha Cope Cole
Pauline Pressley Collins
Evelyn Coltman
Paul Cook
Anne and Frank Cowan
Patricia Cowen and Geraldine Lindy
Ted Coyle; Ruth Crawford
Thomas Rain Crowe
Cullowhee Baptist Church
Julia Dellinger
James and Barbara Dooley
Jean Douthit
Duke Energy
Sylvia DuPree
Bill Edwards
Mark Ellison
Lewis Ellsworth
Ronald W. Ensley
James D. Estes
Sara Evans
Robert Failing
Sean and Ann Fitz-Simons
Daniel W. Fouts
Janet Freeman
Webb Garrison
Amy Ammons Garza
Helen Godwin
James Gray
Jeff Gray
Carl Grueninger III
Sam Hale II
Ann Osborne Hall
Larry Hampton
Libby Kephart Hargrave
Frederick Harrison
Haywood County Historical Society
Haywood Medical Society Auxiliary
Higdon Family Association
Betty and David Hirt
Danny Hirt
Christine Holland
Nell Whitmire Holtzclaw
Barbara Hooper
Jeoff Hooper and Janet Tingle
Jill Houck
Marcella R. Huguelet
Marthalou Hunter
Jackson County Genealogical Society
Paul Jones
Doug Kelly
Perry Kelly
Alan Kilpatrick
Ruth and Ray Knowles
Charles Koontz
David Ledbetter
Jean Nations Lefler
Lisa Lefler
Rodney Leftwich
Clifford R. Lovin
John Lyle
Ann Hunter Mack
Julia Mack
Joan MacNeill
Sara Madison
Henry Mainwaring
Mr. James McGinnis
India McGuire
Becky McKee
J. D. McRorie
Ted Miller
Mark Montgomery
Rob Moody
Frances Fisher Moore
Anne and Bernie Moore
Joyce Moore
Anna Morrill
Jane Nagy
James  Nations
Karl Nicholas
Russell Norburn
Hilton Norton
Roland E. Osborne
Francis Owens
William E. Paulk
Jeraldine Paxton
Benjamin J. Pendry
J. Dan Pittillo
Kenneth W. Pittman
Jana Plemmons
Juanita Farmer Proffitt and Jeannette Farmer Bryson
Jann Ramsey
Margaret Ramsey
Ron Rash
Elizabeth Reed
Joe P. Rhinehart
John Ritter
Del Ruff
Herbert Schulman
Alan and Stephen Sellars
David M. Sherman
Florence Stalcup Sherrill
George T. Sherrill
William A. Shore
Ruth Shuler
Melba Simpson
Charles Siler Slagle
Mary Stringfield Sloan
Marvin Smith
Ann Stringfield
Cary Reed Snyder
Joan Hooper Stearns
Ron and Doug Story
Sylva Garden Club
Nick Taylor
Mary Teslow
Holly Fernow Tholcke
Elizabeth C. Turner
Tucker Veach
Linda O. Vogt
Cecelia Ward
Nan Watkins
Mary S. Wayte
Patricia White
Brent and Lane Wike
Max R. Williams
John D. Wilson
Peter Witt
James Wrinn