Whether you are planning a service project for a class, searching for more information about engaged research, or hoping to find a volunteer opportunity for yourself, CCESL is here to help! We offer consultations for service-learning courses, service projects within a course, and opportunities to connect with local community partner organizations.
At WCU, Service-Learning Courses employ service-learning pedagogy throughout the instructional design of a credit-bearing course. These courses integrate critical reflection and purposeful community service as central teaching strategies to achieve the following goals: deepen academic learning outcomes, address a need identified by the community, and enhance students’ sense of civic responsibility to local, regional, national, or global community needs. Learn more.
Community Experience Courses are credit-bearing courses in which faculty meaningfully incorporate and contextualize one or more community-engaged components from a range of possibilities such as intensive field education placements to volunteerism, site visits, or other innovations. The common theme in CECs is that one or more of the course activities engage students with community partners in reciprocal, collaborative, and respectful exchanges around community needs and the public good. Learn More.
Community Engaged Research is research conducted WITH a community partner, not solely on a community partner or in a community center. Its goal is to provide information that will benefit the community, as well as the academic discipline. Research may also focus on the study of service-learning methods, community engagement pedagogy, and outcomes for students/community partners. More information and resources regarding Community Engaged Research & Scholarship at WCU is forthcoming.
These initiatives incorporate a series or collection of SLCs, scholarship, and student community engagement within a specific department or program. The Community-Engaged Program concept was first launched in 2022 with WCU’s Environmental Health Sciences Program. The Community-Engaged Program initiative continues to be developed and more information is forthcoming.
This guide connects to a curated collection of academic resources available through Hunter Library related to community-engaged teaching, learning, and scholarship.
CCESL has two 12-passenger vans that are available by request to be used for community outreach or experiential education activities. Any WCU faculty or staff member is eligible to request and drive the vans. Use this free and convenient resource to enhance your students' engagement with course content or to complete a service project yourself! Learn more.
Community Service Leave is a State benefit that many WCU employees are eligible to take advantage of - it allows you to get paid for doing community service. Whether you participate in a service opportunity coordinated by CCESL, or an opportunity on your own, make sure you are utilizing this State benefit. If you need suggestions for CSL opportunities or would like to plan a CSL outing for your department, contact us!