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Biltmore Park Food Pantry

The Biltmore Park food pantry is open to all WCU students. There are no eligibility requirements - it is available for all who need it! It is stocked with non-perishable food staples, a small selection of frozen food items, and basic toiletries and personal items.

The pantry is located on the third floor of WCU's Biltmore Park facility, located at 28 Schenck Parkway in Asheville, NC. The pantry is accessible during the hours that the facilty is open. The facility is closed on state holidays.

Hours During the Semester

  • Monday-Thursday, 8am-9pm
  • Friday-Saturday, 8am-5pm

Hours During Semester Breaks

  • Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm


Biltmore Park Food Pantry


The Biltmore Park food pantry is coordinated by staff of WCU Programs in Asheville and the WCU Center for Community Engagement and Service Learning. It has received generous support from the Community Foundation of WNC, Eblen Charities, WCU Athletics, the WCU Graduate Student Association, Ingles Markets, and other donors.

If you would like to make a financial contribution to the pantry, you can reach out the WCU Center for Community Engagement and Service Learning at communityengagement@wcu.edu or 828.227.2091. To make a donation of food items, you can contact CCESL, or visit the WCU Programs in Asheville offices on the first floor of the Biltmore Park facility.