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Voting for Students

The Center for Community Engagement and Service Learning is here to assist you with all of your voting and civic engagement needs. If you have any questions about registration and voting, or want more information about how to get involved in civic engagement on campus, feel free to stop by Belk 273!


  • If you are usure if you are registered or usure of the details of your registration, you can look up your registration using the ..
  • You can register online through the as long as you are a pre-existing DMV customer.
  • You can also fill out a paper . This registration form should be mailed or taken to the board of elections for the county in which you are trying to register.
  • You may also stop by Belk 273 to pick up a paper registration form. CCESL staff can assist you in filling out the form and getting it to the Jackson County Board of Elections for you.
  • To help you complete your registration you can view an example registration form.
  • Educate yourself on the , including what offices are up for election, who is running, and where and how you can vote.
  • You can also stay up to date on elections and other current events by utilizing your free through WCU.
  • Participating in democracy can take shape in several different ways. One of the most important is showing up to vote. No matter if you vote in-person on campus, or travel back to your hometown, or vote by mail, making your voice heard is one of the best and easiest things you can do to participate in democracy.
  • You can also participate by joining . SDC is a nonpartisan student organization that does student civic engagement on campus such as voter registration and voter education.


Voting and Registration Information for Students that Live On-Campus

  • If you live on campus and you are wanting to vote in Jackson county, you need to change your registration to reflect that you now live in Cullowhee.
  • For the section of the North Carolina Voter Registration Form, that asks for your mailing address put 245 Memorial Dr.followed by your suite box number or a home address that receives mail.
  • For the section that asks for your physical address, you will need to put the address for your residence hall.
  • Link for list of residence hall addresses

Voting and Registration Information for Students That Do Not Live On-Campus But Still Reside in Jackson County.

  • Ensure your voter registration is up to date by utilizing the
  • If you are not registerd fill out the NC voter registration form with your Jackson County address.
  • Vote early or on Election Day at the WCU on-campus polling place, or at a different Jackson County polling site.

Voting and Registration Information for In-State Students

  • Check your registration by using the .
  • If you are changing your registration you can change it through the .
  • Make a plan to vote in the county in which you are registered and remember to bring a valid photo ID when voting anywhere in NC.

Voting and Registration Information for Out-of-State Students

  • Out of state residential students can change their registration to Jackson County as long as they reside there for a majority of the year.
  • If you choose to change your registration, you can do so through the if you are a pre-existing customer, or through filling out a paper registration form.
  • If you change your registration to vote in NC, make sure to bring a valid voter ID.
  • If you choose not to change your registration, make a plan to travel to your home county to vote or request a mail-in ballot.
  • When voting in another state, make yourself aware specific state election laws such as voter ID laws.

Voting and Registration Information for Biltmore Park and Distance Students.

  • Check that your registration is up to date using the or find your state's voter search tool.
  • Once you are registered in your county, stay up to date on elections and state election laws by utilizing your state board of elections website.
  • Most importantly, use your voice and vote in all elections that you can.


Vote Early In-Person

Vote Early in-person at the WCU polling place located in the UC Multi-purpose room on the 2nd floor. Voting early typically means shorter wait times and more flexibility in voting which is often the best choice for most people, including college students. Voting at our on-campus polling place also helps the university be able to keep it as an option for students in the future.

Vote on Election Day In-Person

Vote in-person on election day at your . Make sure you show up to the proper polling place with all proper documentation (a valid photo-ID).

Vote by Mail

fill it out, attach any additional required documents (a photocopy of a valid ID), and mail in your ballot. Be sure to mail in your ballot at least 2-3 days before election day to ensure your ballot arrives at the Board of Elections by 7:30pm on Election Day.

Join Student Democracy Coalition

If you're interested in getting involved in nopartisan voter education and engagement work here at WCU, consider joining . 

SDC works to:

  1. Foster and support a strong base of student civic leaders 
  2. Cultivate and sustain a campus-wide culture of civic engagement 
  3. Provide access to accurate, non-partisan information, enabling eligible WCU students to vote in every election cycle 

Meetings are every Monday at 6:30 PM in the UC room #138 (The Tuckasegee Room). All are welcome!

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