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Brinson Honors College Board of Directors

Established in 1997, the Board of Directors is comprised entirely of Honors students who nominate and elect their own officers.

The board advises the dean on all matters and policies including College admissions, requirements to stay in the College, the mentoring program, curriculum changes, Honors classes, and all social activities.

All Honors students are welcome to attend board meetings. Check your Brinson Honors College Student Center in Canvas for information on dates and times.

Download the Brinson Honors College Student Board of Directors Constitution

For more information, contact the dean or the President of the Brinson Honors College Board of Directors.

Brinson Honors College Student Board of Directors
2024-2025 Officers & Committee Directors
Wyatt Wilson, President
Savannah Tuhro, Vice President
Taleigh Verrault, Treasurer
Sarah Beth Inman, Secretary
Mykala Anderson, Inclusion Officer
Amyra Dial, Mentoring Officer
Elizabeth Pennell & Rachel Walker, Public Relations & Marketing Co-Directors
Jacob Given & McKenna Reed, Community Service Committee Co-Directors
Elvis Perez Galarza & Alexy Wade, Programming Committee Co-Directors
Emma Roy, Whee Turn the Page Committee Director

This award is given to a member of the Board of Directors who exhibits dedicated and enthusiastic service to the Board. While not required, it is preferable that the student selected for this award has been a full member of the Board for at least two semesters. The student chosen for this award must be someone who was/is instrumental to the success of the Honors Board and has dedicated immense effort to improve the integrity of the organization.

The selection of the recipient will be decided by the President of the Board and the Dean of the Brinson Honors College. The Brinson Honors College Board of Directors President's Award will be presented to the awardee at an appropriate spring venue (either Medallion or Induction Ceremony).

The Brinson Honors College Board of Directors Faculty Excellence Award is a student nominated award given to any faculty member in any department/college at Western Carolina University. For this award, each member of the Brinson Honors College Board of Directors may nominate ONE faculty member who has gone above and beyond what is required of them as a professor and/or has encouraged and challenged his/her students to expand their horizons and pursue different realms of the "honors path,” which include research, study abroad, service learning, internships and leadership. Also, it is not required that a faculty member teaches or sponsors Honors courses or Honors contracts.

The selection of the award is based on both the number of nominations a faculty member receives and the explanation of the faculty member’s efforts and why he or she deserves recognition. Nominations for this award shall be collected early in the spring semester. The recipient of the award will be decided by the President of the Board of Directors, Dean of the Brinson Honors College, and other Brinson Honors College Staff (April Tallant, Emily Sharpe and Colin Townsend) if there is a tie for the winning recipient. The Brinson Honors College Board of Directors Faculty Excellence Award will be presented by the Board to the selected faculty member at the spring induction ceremony for the Board of Directors.