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Testing Accommodations

The OAR Test Proctoring Center is available to students who are registered with the OAR, and who have approved testing accommodations. Faculty can regularly provide students with their approved testing accommodations such as extended time and separate setting, but in the instance when a faculty member cannot provide testing accommodations, students may request to take an exam at the OAR by submitting a test request!

Students can submit test requests on their AIM profile by following these instructions: How To Schedule a Test Through AIM.

You can access AIM through , or using this link: .

From your MyWCU page, you can access AIM through the Accessibility Resources app in the My Apps section (see image below). To add Accessibility Resources to your apps, click on ALL APPS and “pin” Accessibility Resources.


Screenshot of MyApps on students MyWCU page


All requests to take FALL 2024 final exams must be submitted to the OAR by Tuesday, November 26th.

You are welcome to submit your test requests as soon as you know the date of the test. It is never too early!

Because we need time to prepare each individual test and testing room, we ask that students submit their request for OAR Test Proctoring services by 4 pm, at least three (3) business days before the test during the semester. Business days do not include weekends.

Any test request submitted outside of the recommended time, will be considered a late request, and will not be confirmed until we recieve the test proctoring information from the instructor.

Please submit your late requests as soon as you know you need to use our testing center. We accept late requests, but they are contingent on testing room availability, and will not be confirmed until all test proctoring information is received from the instructor. Until you recieve confirmation from us (via Outlook calendar invitation), please plan on reporting to your classroom for the exam.

If you are submitting a test request on the same day as the test, please submit your request, then contact our office at accessibility@wcu.edu or 828-227-3886 to notify us so that we can do our best to receive the testing information from the instructor. If you do not receive confirmation from us, please plan on going to the classroom for your exam.

Please do not submit duplicate requests. Contact our office to make changes to an upcoming request. You may also view, edit, or cancel all of your upcoming tests requests by visiting your AIM profile.

Frequently Asked Questions

No. If your instructor can administer your exam with your approved accommodations, then they should do so.

No. If this is an online exam that can be taken from any location (dorm room, library, etc.) you do not need to submit a test request in order to receive your extended time. Your professor has access to your online test - OAR does not. Please contact your professor and request that they update your extended time on Canvas, Exam Soft or ATI Platform. 

No. It is the student's responsibility to schedule individual exams. Please do so at least three (3) business days in advance of your exam.

No. You must first contact your instructor and discuss it with him/her. Once you agree with the instructor on a make-up date/time, we are happy to administer the exam. We will not administer a test other than at the originally scheduled time without written approval from the instructor.

You may only take items that are approved by your instructor (i.e. calculator, book, notepaper, etc).
Absolutely NO cell phones/smartphones/tablets are allowed in the testing rooms.

Final Exam FAQ's

Yes, if you have met with OAR, received your Letters of Accommodation, and given them to your instructors. To schedule exams, you must follow the procedure outlined in the section: How To Submit a Test Request. Final exams requests for Fall 2024 must be submitted by November 26th.

No. You must take your exam on the same day as or near the same time as the rest of the class unless you have multiple finals on the same day and have made prior arrangements with your instructor. Only your instructors—not OAR—can approve changes in your exam schedule. Work, travel, or other extra-curricular activities are not valid reasons for moving the date of an exam.

Only your instructors—not OAR—can approve changes in your exam schedule. Work, travel, or other extra-curricular activities are not valid reasons for moving the date of an exam.