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Faculty and Staff

Faculty Staff Main


As a faculty member teaching classes or a staff member who helps keep things going, the Division of IT looks forward to being your partner, providing the technology support you need for teaching, research, and meeting business goals at WCU.

Connect with Us

Phone or Submit a Ticket
Normal Availability: Monday-Friday; 7:30am - 6:30pm ET (closed for University holidays)

  • Phone: (Local) 828.227.7487; (Toll-free) 866.928.7487
  • Submit a ticket:

Please note: Voicemail, Email, and Submit a Ticket support are monitored daily after close until 9pm. Action will be taken on any priority issues affecting most of the campus. e.g. network outage. All other requests will be followed up on the next business day. For after-hours and weekend assistance, please consider walk-up support.

Normal Availability:

  • Monday-Thursday; 7:30am - 9:00pm ET
  • Friday; 7:30am - 7pm ET
  • Saturday; 1pm - 5pm ET
  • Sunday; 1pm - 5pm ET

Please note: Availability is subject to change based on semester breaks, holidays, etc. For specific availability please visit: Technology Commons - Hours of Operation

For additional information:

Self-Service: IT Help and Madison
Normal Availability: 24/7

The IT Help portal and Madison the chatbot are available to help provide answers to the most frequently asked questions. You can search any keywords (e.g. Office 365 for Windows) in either or by chatting with Madison.

Please Note: Madison is located in by clicking on the chat bubble in the bottom right corner.

Faculty & Staff Services

Faculty Staff Support


Faculty Support

If you are a faculty member, the Coulter Faculty Commons can help with your courses, from instructional design discussions to integrating technology tools into your curriculum.


Email and Collaboration


Email and Collaboration Tools

All WCU users have access to Office365, offering everything from email to collaborative teamwork.  You can log into your WCU Office 365 mail at , and you can install Office365 on your personal device by following our Device Setup Guide. We also have  for conferencing, webinars, meetings, classes, interviews, and more.


Technology Enhanced Spaces


Technology Enhanced Spaces

Many classrooms and conference rooms across campus are equipped with a projector or wall-mounted TV, as well as a connection for a laptop.





WCU provides a network-based print, copy, scan, and fax service for faculty and staff, with a variety of services, pricing, and other options available. The 3DU Makerspace also offerd 3D printing, and assistance with modeling, printing, and scanning items.  Visit the  for more information.


Phones and Voicemail


Phones and Voicemail

If you have any questions about your Mitel desk phone, you can go to our .

To see some common questions and helpful guides for setting up your voicemail, head over to our .


WCU faculty and staff can obtain support for WCU-issued computers in person at the service desk, via the phone at (828) 227 - 7487, or via .

If you're looking for help from the Coulter Faculty Commons (CFC), head over to !

Warranty work can also be done on personal computers purchased through WCU's and programs. 

Access our virtual desktop environment, VCAT, by visiting .

If you are working with a student and they need assistance, feel free to direct them to reach out to IT at the  service desk, via the phone at (828) 227 - 7487, or via .

The Technology Commons has equipment for students, faculty, and staff to checkout including cameras, voice recorders, and laptops. Equipment is checked out, reserved, and/or returned at the Technology Commons desk, . To reserve equipment online, go to .

Your WCUid account allows you to access several different resources, including your email, myWCU, and much more!

If you need to reset or change your password, you can visit password.wcu.edu.

Make sure you once you have access to your account!

Looking for information about current IT projects, or wanting to request a new IT project? Please visit the IT Governance & Prioritization page for more information!

Our monthly project communications report is generally distributed by the fourth week of every month. Please visit the  page to view the reports!

If you're looking to connect a personal device to the wireless network, such as your personal laptop or smart phone, visit .

Warranty work can also be done on personal computers purchased through WCU's and programs.