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Registration Information

Registration is conducted online through myWCU. Undergraduate students need to meet with their academic advisor to obtain their Alt-PIN prior to registering.

Early Registration Times
How to Register

By clicking on the section title of the course (ex. "Writing and Rhetoric"), you can see additional information specific to that section. This includes any prerequisites, corequisites, registration restrictions specific to that section, and any section-specific text.  Section-specific text indicates when sections are reserved for specific populations (like Honors, Learning Communities, etc.). This is also where activities such as field trips may be posted.

Abbreviated titles are used. Refer to the current catalog for full title and description.

The Course ID column lists from the Course Inventory the subject area and course number of each course followed by a two-digit section number. Refer to the undergraduate or graduate catalog for a full course description and course pre-requisites. Subject areas are abbreviations of the name of the department or of the field of study within the department (see chart below).

ACCT Accounting
ANTH Anthropology
ASI Arts & Sciences Interdisciplinary
AST Astronomy
ATTR Athletic Training
BA Business Administration
BIOL Biology
BK Birth/Kindergarten
BKSE Birth/Kindergarten Special Ed
CHEM Chemistry
CHER Cherokee
CHIN Chinese
CIS Computer Information Systems
CJ Criminal Justice
CLS Clinical Laboratory Sciences
CM Construction Management
COMM Communication
COUN Counseling
CS Computer Science
CSD Comm. Science and Disorders
CSP College Student Personnel
DA Dance
ECET Electrical & Computer Eng
ECON Economics
EDAD Educational Administration
EDCI Curriculum and Instruction
EDEL Elementary Education
EDHE Higher Education
EDL Educational Leadership
EDM Emergency and Disaster MGT
EDMG Education Middle Grades
EDPY Education & Psychology
EDRD Reading
EDRS Educational Research
EDSE Secondary Education
EDSU Educational Supervision
EE Electrical Engineering
ELMG Elementary/Middle Grades
EMC Emergency Medical Care
ENGL English
ENGR Engineering
ENT Entrepreneurship
ENVH Environmental Health
EOE Experiential and Outdoor Education
ES Environmental Science
ESI Earth Sciences
ET Engineering Technology
FIN Finance
FREN French
FS Forensic Science
GBS Global Black Studies
GEOG Geography
GEOL Geology
GER German
GERN Gerontology
HEAL Health
HIA Health Information Admin.
HIST History
HPE Health & Physical Education
HR Human Resources
HSCC Health Sciences/Core
HT Hospitality and Tourism
IBUS International Business
IDES Interior Design
JPN Japanese
LAT Latin
LAW Business Law
LC Learning Contract
LEAD Leadership
MATH Mathematics
MBA Master of Bus. Administration
ME Mechanical Engineering
MGT Management
MHS Health Sciences
MKT Marketing
MPTP Motion Picture & TV Production
MUS Music
NAS Native American Studies
ND Nutrition and Dietetics
NRM Natural Resource Management
NSG Nursing
PA Public Affairs
PAR Philosophy and Religion
PE Physical Education
PHYS Physics
PLMT Placement Testing
PM Project Management
PMC Project Management Cert
PRM Parks & Recreation Mgmt.
PSC Political Science
PSY Psychology
PT Physical Therapy
QA Quantitative Analysis
RTH Recreational Therapy
SCI Science
SM Sport Management
SOC Sociology
SOCW Social Work
SPAN Spanish
SPED Special Education
TEL Telecommunications
THEA Theatre
UE University Experience
UNCX UNC Language Exchange
USI University Studies Interdisciplinary

The first digit of the course number designates the year level the course is intended to be taken and indicates the minimum class rank a student should have achieved to enroll in the course (see Class Level below). The second and third digits may indicate the subject area within a particular meaning or it may indicate the place of a course in a sequence or series of courses in a department.

  • 001-099 - Non-credit courses that are not applicable to degrees
  • 100-199 - Courses for Freshmen
  • 200-299 - Courses for Sophomores
  • 300-399 - Courses for Juniors
  • 400-499 - Courses for Seniors
  • 500-799 - Graduate Level Courses
  • 800-999 - Doctoral Level Courses

Seniors may take 500-level courses for undergraduate credit only under specified conditions as outlined in the graduate catalog. Prior to enrollment, the student must obtain an approval form from the Graduate School, secure approval from all appropriate persons, and return the form to the Graduate School in order to be allowed to take the course. Seniors approved to receive undergraduate credit will be expected to meet the same requirements as the graduate students in the course. Selected seniors who meet the standards for undergraduates to take a graduate course (as described in the graduate catalog) may apply in advance of registration to enroll in a graduate course.

The section numbers designate specific classes of courses within a center as follows:

  • 01-49 - Regular on-campus day classes
  • 20-49 - Lab sections
  • 50-59 - Extension classes
  • 60-69 - Cherokee resident credit classes
  • 70-79 - On-campus Evening/Saturday resident credit classes
  • 80-89 - WCU classes in Asheville
  • 97-99 - Credit by Exam classes

Credits are listed in semester hours.

This is a unique five-digit number assigned to the course. This number is used when referencing a course to add or drop through the web.

The full name of the instructor is listed. "Staff" indicates that no assignment has been made at the print time of the schedule.

Codes of class meeting are M-Monday, T-Tuesday, W-Wednesday, R-Thursday, F-Friday, S-Saturday, and U-Sunday; TBA indicates class days and times to be arranged by the department head.

Class periods for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday are 50 minutes in length with a 15-minute break between periods. Class periods for Tuesday and Thursday are normally 75 minutes in duration with a 15-minute break between periods. However, classes may begin at 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 2:00 p.m., and 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday with duration of 50 minutes.

Campus shows the location where the course is taught. Cullowhee is the main campus, Cullowhee West is the Health and Human Services Building, Asheville Biltmore Park is the Asheville campus located in Biltmore Park and Distance is the online campus for Distance Learning students.

Status shows the number of seats remaining in the class or if the class is full/closed.

Attributes show what area, if any, the course satisfies with regard to Liberal Studies requirements. Attributes also shows if the course is Residential (on the Cullowhee/Cullowhee West or Asheville Biltmore Park campus) or Distance (for students in distance learning programs).

Abbr. Building
ABP Asheville Biltmore Park
ABT Asheville-Buncombe Tech. Com. Col.
AP Apodaca Science Building
AVL Asheville
BAC Bardo Fine Arts Center
BL Belk
BR Breese
CAMP Cordelia Camp Building
CAT Center for Applied Technology
CDH Central Drive Hall
CK Cherokee Ctr. (Cherokee, NC)
CO Myron L. Coulter
FO Forsyth
HHSB Health and Human Science Building
HO Hoey
HP Hospital
KA Killian Annex
KL Killian
MK McKee
NS Natural Science
OFFC Off Campus
RC Ramsey Center
RD Reid
ST Stillwell
TBA To Be Arranged
ABT AB Tech Community College
AS Asheville
AVL Municipal Bldg. -Downtown Asheville
BRC Blue Ridge Community College CCC- Caldwell Community College
CK Cherokee
CLC Cleveland Community College
COL Columbia
CVC Catawba Valley Community College
D Distance
DC Washington, DC
E Enka
ET Erwin, TN
GCC Gaston Community College
GTC Guilford Tech. Community College HBC - Highlands Biological Center
HCC Haywood Community College
HM Hickory Metro Higher Ed Ctr.
ICC Isothermal Community College
JAM Jamaica
JBR Jonesborough, TN
M Cullowhee
MAH MAHEC Bldg. - Asheville
MCC Mayland Community College
MCF Mtn. Area Child & Family Center - Asheville
NCE NC Ctr. for Eng. Tech. - Hickory
P Partner Institute
PEN Penland School
PHS Pisgah High School
PMH Pardee Memorial Hospital
SMH Smokey Mountain HS
STC Stanly Community College
TCC Tri-County Community College
TRV Travel
WPC Western Piedmont Community College

Troubleshooting Registration Messages from myWCU / Banner

Registration Message Explanation Action
Academic Standing Prohibits Registration. Your academic standing does not allow registration. Contact the Office of Student Retention at 828.227.7171
An error has prevented the processing of your transaction… This is a true system error. Contact the IT Services Help Desk at 828.227.7487
Campus Restriction Your program does not permit you to take courses attached to this campus. Look for section with a campus that matches your program. NO Exceptions.
Class Restriction You do not have enough hours to meet the level approved for the course. Usually restricted to junior- or senior-level courses. Select another course appropriate to your enrollment level. Exceptions require the permission of head of the department that owns the course.
Closed ### Waitlisted This section is full. You are number ### on the waitlist. If a seat opens up you will be notified via email and will have 24 hours to register.
Closed Section Class has reached its enrollment limit. Select another section or obtain a capacity override from the department head.
Closed Section-X Cross-listed section is closed. Select another section or obtain a capacity override from the department head.
CORQ_Subj_#### A co-requisite required This course requires that you be concurrently registered for another course. The course number is indicated in the error message. Enter both courses CRN's and hit Submit Changes to save.
CRN does not exist The five-digit CRN (Course Reference Number) you entered is not recognized by the system for the term you are in. Check the schedule on the Web to get the correct number and enter the correct CRN.
Duplicate Course You have already registered for this course/section. Drop the section from your schedule.
Hold Error An office has placed a hold on your registration. You may have multiple holds on your record. Please check your registration status for all holds. Registration holds can only be lifted by the office that placed the hold on your record. Contact the appropriate office(s).
Instructor Approval Required You may not register for this section without the explicit approval of the instructor. Contact instructor. If the instructor grants permission, you must still register for the course and meet any prerequisites.
Invalid Student Status Code You have not yet been admitted for the term you are attempting to register. Degree-seeking students must contact the Admissions Office.
Level Restriction Undergraduate students are not permitted to take graduate courses without being admitted to a graduate program. Select another course appropriate to your enrollment level.
Link Error ## Required Classes that require a lecture and a lab are referred to as “linked” in the student information system. This message displays when a student attempts to enroll in a lecture without a lab and vice versa. Students must register for both the lecture and lab. Process the lecture and lab section on the same worksheet.
Major Restriction Enrollment in course is limited to specified major. Select another course or gain admission to the major specified.
Maximum Hours Exceeded You have exceeded the maximum number of credit hours allowed for the term. Exceptions require approval. Forms can be picked up in the Registrar's Office.
PREQ -Test Score Error Course pre-requisites have not been met. Prerequisites may include other courses, test scores or admission to the Brinson Honors College or Teacher Ed. Program. Click on the hyperlink in the course title to see the prerequisites
Program Restriction Enrollment in course is limited to specific programs. Select another course or gain admission to the program specified.
ReAdmit Term Prohibits Registration Students not enrolled for three (3) semesters must reapply and be readmitted before registration is permitted. Contact graduate or undergraduate admissions.
Registration Is Not Allowed for this Term at this Time You are trying to register outside of your assigned registration time. Please refer to the Appointment Schedule for Web Registration for the term.
Repeat Count Exceeds 0 You already have credit for the course you are attempting to register for. It may be transfer credit. The course is not repeatable for credit. Students who want to retake a course for grade replacement, must submit a Repeat Form with signatures to the Office of the Registrar.
Reserve Closed Section contains seats reserved for a specific population of students (usually freshmen). Reserved seats will be returned to the general pool after the last orientation. Check again right before the semester begins.
Rpt Hrs Exceeded ### You have already received the maximum credit allowed for this course. Select a different course.
Student Status Prohibits Registration. Your student record is not active for the term you are attempting to register. Please contact the Admissions Office to confirm your acceptance.
Time Conflict The class you selected meets at the same time as another class selected. Select another class or section.
You may not drop your last class. Additional steps are required of you when you are totally withdrawing from the university. Contact the Office of Student Retention at 828.227.7171.

is a Web portal system that is fully integrated with the University’s student records system. It allows you to obtain up-to-the-minute information on course offerings, your academic record, billing statements, financial aid, and personal information. myWCU gives you control over your class schedule by allowing you to add and drop courses in compliance with the University calendar.

You have the ability to:

  • Drop and add courses
  • View your schedule
  • View or pay your fees
  • View and update address information
  • View holds
  • View grades
  • View your institutional coursework and degree audit
  • View transfer credit
  • Print an Enrollment Certification
  • Request a transcript
  • And more!
  • Go to the myWCU home page: 
  • Click the purple “myWCU Log in” button.
  • Enter your username (everything before the @ of your WCU email address).
  • Enter your password. Click the "Login" button.

If you encounter problems accessing myWCU, please contact the IT Services Help desk at 828.227.7487.

The Alternate PIN is required to access the Registration and Schedule option in myWCU. It is required for your initial registration each semester. The Alt PIN is a randomly generated six-digit number that is given to you by your advisor to ensure that you have discussed your course scheduling. Should you be unable to contact your advisor, the department of your major will also have this number.

*Graduate and Distant students don't require an Alt PIN*