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Recommend Tutors

The WaLC and MTC rely on faculty to help us identify the most qualified students to serve as tutors. If you know an outstanding student who could serve as an academic support to other students on campus, consider recommending that individual for one of our student employment opportunities.

Before submitting the recommendation form, communicate with the student(s) you wish to recommend. Students who receive a direct recommendation by an instructor are often more willing to accept offers of employment and more confident in their ability to carry out the job responsibilities effectively.

In addition to your recommendations, we also rely on faculty to encourage students' use of tutoring and to support our tutors so they can provide the best service possible.

Promote Tutoring Services in Your Classes

  • Include the syllabus statement in your course syllabus(es)
  • Allow tutors to make a brief visit to your class to introduce our services to your students. If you would like to request a classroom visit, email walc@wcu.edu, or select an in-class workshop that will complement the goals of your course.
  • Consider providing incentives for students who regularly, thoughtfully, and actively engage in tutoring sessions for your class. For example, you can create an optional for-credit assignment for students who submit a completed after a tutoring session.
  • Please do not send an entire class for tutoring without first contacting us to discuss your needs. Our goal is to maintain an equitable level of access for all students. Mandatory visits for a particular class can overwhelm our tutors and limit our ability to serve the students who need us.

Supporting Tutors

Check the each semester to see which tutors have been assigned to your classes. If you have course tutors or writing fellows assigned, please take the following steps to ensure they are well integrated into your course:

  • Provide them with a copy of your course syllabus and assignments.
  • Request Canvas access for tutors. Canvas access allows tutors to review your course syllabus and familiarize themselves with your expectations for students.
  • Talk to tutors about any assignments that are off-limits for tutoring sessions (e.g. take-home quizzes or tests).
  • Meet with the tutors periodically to clarify your expectations for the course, to provide guidance, and to answer any questions they have about course content.
  • If you are teaching an online or Biltmore Park class, encourage your students to use the Brainfuse online tutoring program or refer to the WaLC's online writing and learning resources.
  • Recognize that tutors are undergraduate peer helpers, not teaching assistants or graduate assistants. To help us maintain the peer status of our tutors, please do not ask them to teach a class or to evaluate your students' work.