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MS(N) Nurse Leadership Curriculum

The MS(N) in Nursing Leadership track is a two-year program consisting of 40-41 semester hours. All courses except the practicum are taught online, and practicum courses are arranged with a preceptor in a location and setting determined by your interest.

Fall Semester Spring Semester Summer Semester

NSG 501 (2) Roles/Issues

NSG 510 (2) Theory

NSG 516 (2) Econ./Organization

NSG 511 (3) Research

NSG 648 (3) Nursing Leadership in Health Care Organizations

NSG 654 (3) Nursing Informatics

NSG 645 (2) Cultural Competence in Nursing Leadership

NSG 647 (2) Outcomes Measurement in Nursing Leadership

NSG 644 (3) Healthcare Systems Management in Nursing Leadership

OPTIONAL NSG 679/699 (see below)

Fall Semester Spring Semester Summer Semester

NSG 649 (3) Financial Management in Nursing Leadership

NSG 650 (2) Legal and Health Policy Aspects of Nursing Leadership

NSG 646 (4) Communication and Leadership in Nursing (Clinical 40 hours)

NSG 679 (1-2) Project OR NSG 699 (3) Thesis (ONGOING, max repeat 6 until project/thesis completed & minimum credits for graduation) minimum 2 cr total 679 to graduate minimum 3 cr total 699 to graduate

NSG 783 (3) Clinical Practicum in Nursing Leadership (180 hrs)

NSG 655 (2) Ethics in Nursing Leadership

NSG 656 (2) Nursing Management of Human Resources

Ongoing NSG 679/699 until completed and minimum credits for graduation

Ongoing NSG 679/699 until completed and minimum credits for graduation

Students will focus on current topics in advanced practice nursing:

  • NSG 501 Roles and Issues
  • NSG 510 Theory for Advanced Practice Nursing
  • NSG 511 Research for Advanced Practice Nursing
  • NSG 516 Economics of Healthcare in Organizations

These courses prepare students for specific competencies required of nurse educators:

  • NSG 644 Healthcare Systems Management in Nursing Leadership
  • NSG 645 Nursing Informatics
  • NSG 647 Outcomes Measurement in Nursing Leadership
  • NSG 648 Nursing Leadership in Health Care Organizations
  • NSG 649 Financial Management in Nursing Leadership
  • NSG 650 Legal and Health Policy Aspects of Nursing Leadership
  • NSG 654 Nursing Informatics
  • NSG 655 Ethics in Nursing Leadership
  • NSG 656 Nursing Management of Human Resources

Students will have the opportunity to develop or enhance senior-level management and leadership competencies:

  • NSG 783 Clinical Practicum in Nursing Leadership (180 hrs)
  • NSG 646 Communication and Leadership in Nursing (Clinical 40 hours)

Student's scholarly project examines a significant problem in nursing leadership. Students may choose to do either an advanced nursing project or a traditional master's thesis:

  • NSG 679 or NSG 699

Student's success will be measured by a comprehensive exam at the end of their coursework, followed by a graduate project or thesis. An oral presentation and/or oral defense of the project/thesis is required, as well as submission of the project or thesis for peer-reviewed publication or presentation.