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Accelerated BSN

Program Overview

Location: Biltmore Park, Asheville NC

Designed for 2nd degree students

100% NCLEX Pass Rate

Application Deadline: Each January

Length: 16 months - 4 cont. semesters

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The Accelerated BSN (ABSN) program is designed for second degree seeking students ready to pursue a career in nursing. Classes take place at the Biltmore Park instructional site in Asheville, NC. Clinical rotations (acute, restorative, and community-based) are primarily located in Buncombe County with some travel around Western North Carolina, and occasionally beyond to provide optimal clinical experiences. Please review the information related to curriculum, costs, application, admission, as well as some helpful informational videos and answers to frequently asked questions. We look forward to reviewing your application and answering your questions on your nursing journey. 

General Info

Please explore the informational videos below to find out more about the Western Carolina University Accelerated BSN Program:

ABSN Curriculum Screenshot


ABSN Prerequisites Screenshot


Frequently Asked Questions Screenshot


Student Involvement Screenshot


Day in the Life of an ABSN student screenshot


Thank you for considering WCU's ABSN Program, where we aspire to greatness.  The application cycle for the class of 2026 is now closed; application information for the class of 2027 will be available in mid October of 2025.  Please explore the information under Admission Requirements and Informational Videos; or sign up to join a virtual open house.  Go Catamounts!

  1. Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) Exam (most current version) 
    1. This exam can be taken via  through ATI, at a testing center of your choice, and testing is available at WCU
    3. Official scores must be sent to WCU Nursing from Assessment Technology Institute (ATI) and must be submitted with your application.  
  2. Bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university
  3. Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA from all coursework (undergraduate and graduate-if applicable).
  4. Course Prerequisites, all grades must be a C or higher. 
    1. There are four science courses that are pre-requisites to start the program. To apply, three of them must be completed by the application deadline. There are no exceptions.  
      1. CHEM 132: Introductory Chem with Lab (4 sem. Credits)
      2. BIO 291: Human Anatomy & Physiology I w/Lab (4 credits)
      3. BIO 292: Human Anatomy & Physiology II w/ Lab (4 credits)
      4. ENVH 260/261: Etiology of Infectious Disease w/ lab (3 credits) Note: this is a Microbiology course
    2. Nursing Prerequisites pre-requisites to start the program 
      1. ND 330 Human Nutritional Needs.  Equivalent 300 level course may be accepted.
      2. NSG 346 Pathophysiology for Nursing Recommend taking at WCU; Equivalent 300 level course may be accepted. Email wcunursing@wcu.edu.
      3. MATH 170 Applied Statistics (3 credits)
      4. Psychology 150 -General Psychology (3 credits)
    3. For detailed information and commonly asked questions about prerequisites and equivalences including but not limited to North Carolina Community Colleges (NCCC), StraighterLine, and steps to take before contacting wcunursing@wcunursing.edu at the Registrar's office, review these documents:  Requirements & Helpful Hints  Prerequisites

Program Curriculum

The ABSN Curriculum plan shows courses in the four-semester plan of study.

NSG 310: Foundations of Nursing (4)
NSG 311: Foundations of Nursing Practicum (3)
NSG 312: Nursing Assessment Across the Lifespan (3)
NSG 313: Pharmacotherapeutics in Nursing I (2)
NSG 315: Nursing Ethics and Health Policy (2)

Hours: 14

NSG 320: Concepts of Adult Nursing (4)
NSG 321: Adult Nursing Practicum (4)
NSG 323: Pharmacotherapeutics in Nursing II (2)
NSG 324: Evidence Based Nursing Practice (2)
NSG 326: Emerging Trends in Nursing (1)

Hours: 13

NSG 412: Concepts of Maternal-Child Nursing (4)
NSG 413: Maternal-Child Nursing Practicum (3)
NSG 422: Concepts of Community/Mental Health Nursing (4)
NSG 423: Community/Mental Health NSG Practicum (3)

Hours: 14

NSG 410: Concepts of Adult Nursing II (4)
NSG 411: Adult Nursing II Practicum (4)
NSG 414: Advanced Technology & Pharmacotherapeutics in Nursing (1)
NSG 420: Synthesis of Nursing Concepts (2)
NSG 421: Synthesis of Nursing Practicum (3)
NSG 424: Concepts of Nursing Leadership in Management (2)

Hours: 16

Program Costs

Costs are based on 2024-2025 charges and are subject to change.

ABSN Program Costs 2024-2025 

For disadvantaged students who have been admitted to WCU and are planning to apply to one of our BSN program offerings, the PEN Scholars program will provide specific support services through a dedicated academic and faculty advisor.

Refer to these links for related information about general WCU Tuition & Fees, reduced undergraduate tuition NC Promise, financial aid WCU Office of Financial Aid, available nursing scholarships and the .   WCU Scholarships are available for students once admitted to the university  (ABSN acceptance may be pending) and typically has a February 1st deadline annually.

Tuition & Fees

  • Resident: $3707.40
  • Non-Resident: $5707.40

Includes Health Insurance fee of $1392.40 which can be waived if coverage is verified.

Additional Costs

  • ExamSoft $65.00
  • Books $250 (purchase)
  • ATI Package $431
  • Virtual Simulation $100
  • Liability Insurance $15
  • Nursing Lab Supplies $125
  • Uniform $250
  • CastleBranch $125
  • CPR Certification $85
  • Immunizations $Varies
  • NCLEX Review Book $50

Tuition & Fees

  • Resident: $3707.40
  • Non-Resident: $5707.40

Includes Health Insurance fee of $1392.40 which can be waived if coverage is verified.

Additional Costs

  • Books $161
  • ATI Package $431
  • Virtual Simulation $100
  • Nursing Lab Supplies $125
  • Additional Criminal Background Check $30-40
  • Additional Urine Drug Screen $45

Tuition & Fees

  • In-State: $188.96/credit hr
  • Out-of-State: $355.62/credit hr

Additional Costs

  • Books $161
  • ATI Package $431
  • Virtual Simulation $100
  • Nursing Lab Supplies $125
  • Additional Criminal Background Check $30-40
  • Additional Urine Drug Screen $45

Optional Costs

  • Uniform Refresh $125 (recommended)
  • Out of town hotel for clinical rotation at Wake Forest Baptist $300

Tuition & Fees

  • Resident: $3707.40
  • Non-Resident: $5707.40

Includes Health Insurance fee of $1392.40 which can be waived if coverage is verified.

Additional Costs

  • ExamSoft $65.00
  • Books $161
  • ATI Package $600
  • Virtual Simulation $100
  • Nursing Lab Supplies $125
  • Liability Insurance $15
  • Graduation Fee $60
  • Additional Criminal Background Check $30-40
  • Additional Urine Drug Screen $45
  • Application to Board of Nursing $75
  • Criminal Background Check (BON) $38
  • NCLEX Exam $200

Optional Costs

  • Nursing Pin $30+
  • Graduation Regalia $50+
  • Sigma Thea Tau membership $80 -- Sigma Theta Tau is by invititation only.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the ABSN program offer an official transcript evaluation? How do I determine how my previous courses will transfer?
We do not offer an official transcript evaluation prior to applying to WCU. However, the Admissions Office has created lookup tools to help you determine quickly where you stand with prerequisites. Click the Credits Earned Elsewhere link, then click either NC Community College Equivalencies or Look-Up Tool for all other colleges.

One of my prerequisites isn’t listed on the lookup tool. How can I figure out if it transfers?
For questions about individual courses, you can email the Registrar’s Office at registrar@wcu.edu. Instructions are included in the pre-requisites video. Include your unofficial transcript and course description/syllabus if available, indicate which WCU pre-requisite you want this course to fulfill as transfer credit.  

I’ve taken a higher level course that I think could substitute for a prerequisite and want to request a course equivalency evaluation. What should I do?
Email registrar@wcu.edu to determine if the course meets the requirement. Make sure to include the course description and details. They will send the request to the department for evaluation.

Do you accept credits from companies like StraighterLine, SOPHIA Learning, Study.com, or Saylor Academy?
You’ll need to reach out to the Registrar’s Office with details ahead of time at registrar@wcu.edu to confirm that the course will transfer appropriately.

What TEAS score do I need to be a strong applicant?
With holistic admissions, a TEAS score is one element we evaluate. Historically, the average TEAS score for accepted applicants has ranged between 85-89%.

Can international students apply to the program?
Absolutely! The best way to start the process is by contacting the Office of Global Engagement to find out what additional information will be required to apply to WCU, and what your next steps will be.

Is there a time restriction for prerequisites (i.e., all courses must be taken in the last __ years?)
As long as a course transfers appropriately per the Registrar’s Office, the ABSN program does not restrict credits based on the year they were earned.

Can I apply before completing all prerequisites?
You must complete 3 of the 4 science prerequisites prior to applying. You can complete other prerequisites after the application deadline, as long as you finish them prior to starting ABSN courses in the fall. All prerequisites must be completed with a C or higher.

Where/how should I take NSG 346 and ND 330?
Because they are taught at the 300-level, most students are not able to transfer NSG 346 and ND 330 from other institutions. The majority of ABSN students take these courses online through WCU during the summer after being admitted to the ABSN program, before officially starting classes in the fall. Slots are held for all admitted ABSN students.

Can I substitute Calculus or another high-level math class for MATH 170 (Applied Statistics)?
We require a statistics course for admission. A statistics course in another discipline besides math may be considered. Communicate with the WCU registrar’s office registrar@wcu.edu.  

Can ABSN faculty or the School of Nursing check over my application on NursingCAS to make sure I have everything I need?
Prior to submission, we do not have access to applicant materials in the NursingCAS platform. The best thing to do is look carefully over all the information on the ABSN website and the WCU ABSN application instructions in NursingCAS to ensure you’ve included all required materials.

Are there information sessions or open houses?
We offer several Virtual Open Houses each year, which are led by faculty and give a great overview of the program. If you’d like to schedule a time to see the Biltmore Park campus, you can start that process by emailing wcunursing@wcu.edu.

Does the ABSN program consider anything else in admission decisions besides test scores and GPA?
The ABSN program is pursuing a holistic approach to admissions that is inclusive in nature and results in a student body that is reflective of the communities we serve. Experiences, attributes, and personal contributions are considered in admission decisions. 

How many do you accept in each admission cycle?
We currently seat a class of 55 students.

What is the course schedule like?
It varies from semester to semester. In general, you should expect 2-3 days of in-person classes at the Biltmore Park campus and 1-3 days of clinical experiences at surrounding healthcare facilities, depending on the semester and the week. In general, you should plan on being in class, lab, or clinical 4-5 days per week. More details can be found in the ABSN Curriculum Overview video.

Does NC Promise apply to the ABSN Program?
Additional WCU and ABSN fees do still apply for all students. For more information, visit the NC Promise page.

Can I work during the program?
Many students do work part-time during the program, but this can vary depending on the semester’s course load, your work schedule, and other factors. We typically recommend that students plan to limit hours during the first semester (until they get used to the workload of the program) and re-evaluate each semester. More details can be found in the ABSN Curriculum Overview video.

What kinds of clinical experiences will I have during the program?
You’ll complete clinical rotations in a variety of acute care and community health areas. These can include specialties like medical-surgical care, stepdown units, intensive care, operating room/surgery, emergency department, labor and delivery, pediatrics, home health, mental health, health department, primary care, endoscopy, hospice, inpatient rehabilitation, wound care, cath lab, electrophysiology lab, interventional radiology, substance use treatment, and case management.
