The WCU Psychology Department will be bringing three speakers to campus (virtually) this semester as part of their colloquium series. Dr. Flower Darby will present her talk, Successful “Small Teaching” Online, on Wednesday, March 3 from 12:15 to 1:00pm via zoom. Join at:
Dr. Flower Darby will virtually visit CEAP and facilitate a conversation over online teaching methods that work for both faculty and students alike. She is the author, with James M. Lang, of Small Teaching Online: Applying Learning Science in Online Classes, and she’s a columnist for the Chronicle of Higher Education. Flower Darby celebrates and promotes effective teaching in ALL class formats to include, welcome, and support all students as they learn and succeed. As faculty and an instructional designer, she’s taught community college and university classes for over 25 years. A seasoned face-to-face and online educator, Darby loves to apply learning science across the disciplines, and to help others do the same. Flower speaks, writes, presents and consults on teaching and learning theory and practice both nationally and internationally. She has helped educators all over the world become more effective in their work. Her new book on emotion science and teaching with technology is forthcoming from West Virginia University Press.