The business of our College is governed by our Bylaws, which establishes our standing committees, listed below.
The Leadership Council is directly responsible to the Dean. The purpose of the Leadership Council is to advise the dean on policy and of matters related to the operation of the College of Education and Allied Professions.
Kim Winter, Dean
Lee Nickles, Associate Dean
Myra Watson, Director of Teacher and Professional Education
Kelly Tracy, Director of the School of Teaching and Learning (STL)
Holly Pinter, Assistant Director of the School of Teaching and Learning (STL)
April Perry, Department Head of Human Services (HS)
Andrew Bobilya, Assistant Department Head of Human Services (HS)
Kia Asberg, Department Head of Psychology (PSY) and Faculty Senate Representative
Erin Myers, Assistant Department Head of Psychology (PSY)
Amanda Chapman, Director of Office of Field Experience
Jenny Stewart, Director of Student Success
Lynley Hardie, Business Officer
Regina Aton, Executive Assistant to the Dean, Leadership Council Secretary, and Staff Senate
The purpose of the Academic Action Appeals Committee is to hear student appeals involving grades and/or academic integrity board decisions in accordance with university policy.
Lee Nickles, Chair, Associate Dean, Permanent
Cathy Andrews, HS, Department Head Appointment, 2024-2025
Amanda Henderson, HS, Department Head Appointment, 2024-2025
Marie-Line Germain, HS, Department Head Appointment, 2024-2025
Meghan Gangel, PSY, Department Head Appointment, 2024-2025
David Scales, PSY, Department Head Appointment, 2024-2025
Sam Castelblanco, PSY, Department Head Appointment, 2024-2025
David Virtue, STL, Department Head Appointment, 2024-2025
Denise Morgan, STL, Department Head Appointment, 2024-2025
Kim Elliott, STL, Department Head Appointment, 2024-2025
The purpose of the Assessment Committee is to oversee and support assessment work in the college and ensure communication regarding assessment between the college, programs, and departments.
Lee Nickles, Associate Dean, Permanent
Myra Watson, Director of Teacher and Professional Education, Permanent
Cathy Grist, HS, Department Head Appointment, 2022-2025
Sarah Minnis, HS, Department Head Appointment, 2023-2026
David Solomon, PSY, Department Head Appointment, 2023-2025
Mary Whatley, PSY, Department Head Appointment, 2024-2027
Carrie Rogers, STL, Department Head Appointment, 2023-2026
Larry Fisher, STL, Department Head Appointment, 2024-2027
The purpose of the Botner Superior Teaching Award Committee is to solicit nominations and select a recipient for the annual Botner Superior Teaching Award.
Kim Winter, Chair, Dean, Permanent
Callie Schultz, HS, Department Election, 2022-2025
Loidaly González-Rosario, HS, Department Election, 2024-2027
Sam Castelblanco, PSY, Department Election, 2024-2027
David de Jong, PSY, Department Election, 2022-2025
Alyssa Sinyard, STL, Department Election, 2023-2026
Kim Elliott, STL, Department Election, 2024-2027
TBD, CEAP Undergraduate Student, 2024-2025
TBD, CEAP Graduate Student, 2024-2025
The purpose of the Collegial Review Committee is to review and make recommendations to the Dean on all candidates for tenure, promotion, and reappointment within the College, following the procedures in the WCU Faculty Handbook.
Kim Winter, Chair, Dean, Permanent
Cathy Grist, CEAP Member at Large, College Election, 2022-2025
Patricia Bricker, CEAP Member at Large, College Election, 2023-2026
Adrienne Stuckey, CEAP Member at Large, College Election, 2024-2027
Lisen Roberts, CEAP Member at Large, College Election, 2024-2027
Heidi Von Dohlen, HS, College Election, 2023-2026
Jess Weiler, HS, College Election, 2024-2027
Erin Myers, PSY, College Election, 2022-2025
David de Jong, PSY, College Election, 2024-2027
Brad Witzel, STL, College Election, 2023-2026
Holly Pinter, STL, College Election, 2024-2027
The purpose of the Curriculum Committee is to review and act on curriculum proposals that pertain to programs in the College of Education and Allied Professions.
Lee Nickles, ex-officio, Associate Dean, Permanent
Cathy Andrews, HS, Dean's Appointment, 2023-2026
Rebekah Henderson, HS, College Election, 2023-2026
Nancy Valverde, HS, College Election, 2024-2027
Alleyne Broomell, Chair, PSY, College Election, 2022-2025
Candace Boan-Lenzo, PSY, Dean's Appointment, 2023-2026
Meghan Gangel, PSY, College Election, 2024-2027
Nancy Luke, STL, College Election, 2022-2025
Malinda Pennington, STL, Dean's Appointment, 2024-2027
Dan Grube, STL, College Election, 2023-2026
The Community Connection Committee works to support the mission of the College by providing leadership in a variety of areas. Some of the services we offer are:
JennieV Sorrells, Co-Chair, HS, Committee Selection, 2024-2026
Melissa Mecadon-Mann, Co-Chair, HS, Committee Selection, 2023-2025
Selection of the recipient of the Dean’s Research, Dale Carpenter Faculty Service Award, Dale Carpenter Staff Service Award, and the Soaring High Award (even years) shall be made by the CEAP Exemplary Awards Committee based on evaluation of nominations received from the faculty and staff in the college.
Emily Virtue, HS, Previous Year's Dale Carpenter Faculty Serice Award Winner, 2024-2025
Melissa Mecadon-Mann, HS, Previous Year's Dean's Research Award Winner, 2024-2025
Greg McLamb, Suite 201, Previous Year's Dale Carpenter Staff Service Award Winner, 2024-2025
John Sherlock, HS, Department Appointment, 2023-2025
Nathan Roth, PSY, Department Appointment, 2024-2026
Adrienne Stuckey, STL, Department Appointment, 2023-2025
Hayley McLeod, HS, Staff, 2024-2026
TBD, CEAP Student, 2024-2025
The Faculty Advisory Committee shall advise the Dean on any matter of concern to the Dean or to any member of the Committee.
Kim Winter, Chair, Dean, Permanent
Jess Weiler, HS, College Election, 2022-2025
Emily Virtue, HS, College Election, 2023-2026
Marie-Line Germain, HS, Department Appointment, 2023-2026
Annie Wilson, PSY, College Election, 2023-2026
Meghan Gangel, PSY, Department Appointment, 2023-2026
David Scales, PSY, College Election, 2024-2027
Dan Grube, STL, College Election, 2022-2025
Kristy Doss, STL, Department Appointment, 2023-2026
Larry Fisher, STL, College Election, 2024-2027
The Committee shall conduct all elections for College representatives to the Faculty Senate; Graduate Council; University Collegial Review Committee; University General Education Monitoring Committee; all committees and councils of the College that have members elected from the college as a whole, according to the University Faculty Governance Document and the Bylaws of the College.
Aarti Bellara, Chair, CEAP Member at Large, College Election, 2023-2026
Adrienne Stuckey, CEAP Member at Large, College Election, 2024-2028
The primary purpose of the PAC is to advise leadership on current trends in education and participate in discussions of how to more effectively enhance the knowledge and experiences of teacher and principal candidates as well as other school professionals, as well as to increase overall competence and performance in the field. The PAC will contribute to the development and continuous improvement of the curricula, policies, partnership activities, and community outreach initiatives of the WCU educator and school professional preparation programs. In addition, council members will serve as a liaison between academia and their respective organization.
Amanda Chapman, Director of the Office of Field Experience, Permanent
Myra Watson, Director of Teacher and Professional Education, Permanent
Kelly Tracy, Director of the School of Teaching and Learning, Permanent
Sarah Pedonti, HS, Department Election, 2024-2027
Jon Campbell, PSY, Department Election, 2024-2027
Kim Elliott, STL, Department Election, 2023-2026
The Professional Education Council (PEC) serves as an advisory body for all items related to professional education/licensure programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The body is composed of representatives from the College of Education and Allied Professions, the College of Health and Human Sciences, the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Fine and Performing Arts, the university administration, area public school professionals, and WCU students.
Under the purview of the PEC are policies, program admission, curriculum changes, assessment and accreditation, and other issues related to professional education at the university. Appeals by students of the decisions based on professional education policies are considered by the PEC. It is an advisory body to the Dean of the College of Education and Allied Professions. Please see the PEC website, by-laws, policies, and membership for more detailed information.
The purposes of the CEAP Scholarship and Awards Committee are to select and to approve departmental selections for scholarships and awards for the College of Education and Allied Professions. The CEAP Scholarship and Awards Committee will select recipients for the general college scholarships from all qualified applicants. Academic programs will review scholarships requiring special selection criteria with recipient selections reported to the CEAP Scholarship and Awards Committee chair.
Monica Miller, Chair, Suite 201, Permanent
Sam Castelblanco, Faculty Member at Large, Dean's Appointment, 2023-2026
Amanda Chapman, Staff Member at Large, Dean's Appointment, 2021-2024
Loidaly Gonzalez-Rosario, HS, Dean's Appointment, 2022-2025
Myra Watson, HS, Dean's Appointment, 2022-2025
Robert Crow, HS, Dean's Appointment, 2023-2026
Alicia Grande, PSY, Dean's Appointment, 2023-2026
Nathan Roth, PSY, Dean's Appointment, 2024-2027
Melissa Faetz, STL, Dean's Appointment, 2022-2025
Terry Rose, STL, Dean's Appointment, 2023-2026
Tom Watterson, STL, Dean's Appointment, 2023-2026
Roya Scales, STL, Dean's Appointment, 2024-2027
The purpose of the Student Advisory Committee shall be to advise the Dean on matters of mutual interest. The committee is comprised of Dean Kim Winter and students from within the college that are a CEAP Student Ambassador or have been nominated by their department.
April Perry, Chair, HS Department Head, Permanent
Derek Becker, HS, 2024-2026
Melodie Frick, HS, 2023-2025
Heidi Von Dohlen, HS, 2024-2026
Yancey Gulley, HS, 2022-2024
Sarah Minnis, HS, 2023-2025
Andrew Bobilya, HS, 2023-2025
Kia Asberg, Chair, PSY Department Head, Permanent
Jon Campbell, PSY, 2024-2025
Alvin Malesky, PSY, 2024-2025
David de Jong, PSY, 2024-2025
Nathan Roth, PSY, 2024-2025
David Solomon, PSY, 2024-2025
Erin Myers, PSY, 2024-2025
Kelly Tracy, Chair, STL Director, Permanent
Dan Grube, STL, 2023-2025
Patricia Bricker, STL, 2023-2025
Tom Watterson, STL, 2023-2025
Carrie Rogers, STL, 2024-2026
Gayle Maddox, STL, 2024-2026
Holly Pinter, STL, 2024-2026
April Perry, Chair, HS Department Head, Permanent
Cathy Grist, HS, 2023-2025
Myra Watson, HS, 2023-2025
Russ Curtis, HS, 2023-2025
Rebekah Henderson, HS, 2024-2025
No Candidates for 2024-2025
Kelly Tracy, Chair, STL Director, Permanent
Bob Perkins, STL, 2023-2025
Brad Witzel, STL, 2023-2025
Kim Elliott, STL, 2023-2025
Larry Fisher, STL, 2023-2025
Dan Grube, STL, 2024-2026
Heather Mina, STL, 2024-2026
Kristy Doss, STL, 2024-2026
Nancy Luke, STL, 2024-2026
Updated: February 2025