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The Catamount School is a 6-8 public school located on the campus of Smoky Mountain High School and operated by Ìð¹ÏÊÓƵapp. 

Dr. Tammy Barron serves as our EC Coordinator and can be reached at tlbarron@wcu.edu

Information on EC services for North Carolina students is available at 


AIG Plan

AIG Goals

AIG Identification of Students

The Catamount School participates in state required assessments for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. All students will take the appropriate End of Grade (EOG) exam and, if enrolled, the Math 1 End of Course (EOC) exam. Angela Lunsford serves as the Test Coordinator and can be reached at alunsford@wcu.edu
Testing and Assessment Policy

The Catamount School is a public school open to 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Jackson County residents who meet certain criteria as explained in our admission policy. The Catamount School will begin enrollment for the upcoming school year in March.
Admissions Policy

Following state legislation, the Catamount School has an Advisory Board made up of the Dean of the College of Education of Allied Professions (CEAP), the Jackson County Public Schools Superintendent, and others. The duties of the Advisory Board are as follows:

  • Monitor the operations of the laboratory school and the distribution of moneys allocated for such operations.
  • Recommend to the Chancellor necessary policy, program, and administration modifications.
  • Evaluate biennially the performance of the principal and recommend corresponding action to the Chancellor.
  • Annually review evaluations of the laboratory school's operation and research findings.

Advisory Board Membership

For further information on the Advisory Board, please contact the office of the Dean of CEAP at 828.227.3306


Counselors are available for Catamount School students. Counseling services are coordinated through Dr. Lisen Roberts. She can be reached at lroberts@wcu.edu

Homeless Liaison contact is Angela Lunsford. She can be reached at alunsford@wcu.edu.

Students who are identified as EL (English Learner) are entitled to services, and those services will be provided through either WCU or a contracted agent.

ENGLISH LEARNERS- TITLE III, ELL contact: Angela Lunsford 828-331-1775 alunsford@wcu.edu 

The Catamount School welcomes volunteers. Parents and community members wishing to volunteer should reach out to Ms. Morden at klelders@wcu.edu
Volunteer Agreement and Code of Conduct

2023-24 Electives:

Student Government

Theatre Arts

Citizen Science


Lifetime Fitness Activitities

Outdoor Education


2023-24 Clubs:

CSI: History's Mysteries


Visual Art

Board Game Theory 



Music & Ukulele Club


2023-24 Athletics

Girls and Boys Basketball
