The PRM Club is part of SGA at WCU and receives funding to assist with club expenses. Being a member of the club enables you to get to know other PRM students who, besides helping you to make friends on campus, broaden your network of professional contacts for when you have graduated.
Networking can help you in future job searches whenever you need peer advice on whatever project you may be given. The club participates in service projects throughout the region including being part of the Adopt-a-Trail and Campsite Program for the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
Being an active member of the PRM Club will provide you with opportunities to develop
and enhance your leadership skills.
Events and Programs organized by the PRM Club include:
Over 20 years ago the PRM Program started a regional Adventure Education Conference. We organized it for four years then started a rotation with other colleges in the region: Warren Wilson, Southwestern Community College (SCC), Montreat, and Brevard College. The club gets to run this every fifth year or so now. The conference is for students and run by students and costs very little—another great way to get involved!
Pictured above: PRM faculty and students at 2015 Adventure Education Conference
Adventure Ed Conference 2015 - Whee Active Presentation
Alex Church and Alex Kroerner in the Cullowhee Canoe Slalom - Photo by Debby Singleton
Some students have organized service projects for the community. Examples include:
The club is extremely important as it is the best avenue for you to develop both a strong professional network and your own leadership. Other avenues for development are fraternities and sororities, Base Camp Cullowhee, or Last Minute Productions at the University Center. However, with other organizations you may not be developing a network of recreation professionals who can help you as professionals in your future careers.
Don't forget that prospective employers are looking for graduates who have shown INVOLVEMENT through their résumés and references. Anyone can get involved in a variety of ways. To be competitive in the job market, you need to be involved—that is the major reason for the club's existence.
At the end of each spring semester the club organizes an awards banquet for PRM majors, which usually includes a catered dinner, slide show, music and awards.
For more information on the club, contact the PRM Program or check out the club's Facebook page: