In 2005, the PRM 440: Travel & Tourism course, undertook the task of developing the Cullowhee Adventure Guides so that Western Carolina students could learn more about the outdoor recreational opportunities that awaited them close to campus. Over the course of the semester, students traveled to locations, measured mileage, researched guidebooks and websites, took photos and compiled the information into six guides. The guides included: Hiking, Snowsports, Rivers & Lakes, Fly Fishing, Waterfalls, and Cycling. The original production of these guides was created so that they could be printed in black and white on legal size paper. Since that time, Base Camp Cullowhee added two other guides to the mix: Bouldering and Tent Camping.
During the spring of 2011, PRM 434: High Adventure Travel & Outfitting students were given the directive to update and produce new guides to replace the 2005 version as part of a class project. The students formed groups to research, visit locations, shoot photos, and rewrite the guides. They chose the following outdoor adventures to highlight: Paddling, Waterfalls, Trail Hiking, Fly Fishing, Snowsports, Mountain Biking and Climbing. The staff of Creative Services worked with the students to create a full color, foldable guide for each adventure. A generous grant from the Honor’s College paid for the printing costs.
The Whee Adventure Guides received an update during the spring of 2015 as part of a class project in PRM 461: Management & Administration of PRM. PRM 461 students Thomas Graham, Daniel Csizmadia, and Peter Langenwalter coordinated the revisions to the guides to include the WCU Trail System, additional activities, and new photos.
Fly Fishing |
Hiking |
Mountain Biking |
Snow Sports |
![]() Whitewater Paddling |