Welcome to the Office of Field Experiences! The Office of Field Experiences is part of Suite 201 Student Support Center in the College of Education & Allied Professions. We work with our school partners to arrange placement opportunities for our WCU teacher education students to complete course assignments, field experiences, and internships in public schools. We seek to support our students through their application processes, administer criminal background check reporting, oversee time requirement documentation, and ensure that all our students have diverse experiences. Our office also provides supervision and mentoring to our candidates during their internship, and if needed we work with WCU and P-12 faculty and administrators to resolve placement issues.
Lead Field Supervisor & Instructor
Early Field Experience Placement Coordinator & Instructor
Early Field Experience Applications - OPEN | Monday, January 13th |
Early Field Experience Applications - DUE | Friday, January 24th |
Internship Applications for Fall 2025 - OPEN | Monday, January 13th |
Internship Applications for Fall 2025 - DUE | Friday, February 7th |
Block Practicum Applications for Fall 2025 - OPEN | Monday, March 31st |
Block Practicum Applications for Fall 2025 - DUE | Friday, April 11th |
*Dates and times are subject to change.
Orientation | Date | Time/Location |
Intern II Orientation (Residential Programs) | Thursday, January 9th | 4:00 - 6:00 PM on Zoom |
Intern I Orientation (Residential Programs) | Sunday, January 12th | 1:00 - 6:00 PM in Killian 102 |
Professional Development | Date | Time/Location |
edTPA Bootcamp Dates (Residential Programs)
edTPA Submission Date: March 18th |
Session #2: February 12th Session #3: March 6th |
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM |
Youth Mental Health First Aid Trainings (Residential Programs) |
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM in Killian 102 |
Career Prep Session | Wednesday, March 5th | 5:30 PM 7:00 PM on Zoom |
Education Career Fair | Friday, March 21st | TBD |
In order to participate in any clinical experience, all licensure candidates must complete and pay for a criminal background check through WCUs approved company . Certiphi will search through each candidates credentials, the Sex Offenders Registry, State Criminal (Felony, Misdemeanor, and Other Offenses), Federal Criminal (Felony, Misdemeanor, and Other Offenses), & OIG & GSA Excluded Parties.
Candidates are responsible for self-disclosure of any charges or university sanctions accumulated after their initial background check. New charges should be reported to the Director of Field Experiences within 72 hours of the incident, or students risk losing the clinical practice placement.
*Any new charge(s) not on the students original background check may require the candidate to get a new one at their own expense.
Candidates that do not receive a clear background check will be contacted by OFE and required to submit a statement of explanation. The explanation form will require you to list all charges on your background check results, including the incident's date(s), explanation, and outcome. This statement will be required for charges, dismissals, prayer for judgment, no contest, and guilty or not guilty pleas (including minor traffic violations). Explanations will be kept on file and may be shared with school partners as needed for placement purposes. Serious charges or failure to disclose criminal history may result in a candidates inability to be placed for their field experience and/or removed from the Teacher Education Program (TEP).
List of Charges Flagged by OFE:
Reports that indicate that candidates have any of the charges listed above, or have three of any charge, will be requested to submit an explanation for each charge. The Teacher Education Background Review Committee will review these explanations. This committee evaluates the severity of the offenses, the number of incidences, and the recentness of the crimes committed. The committee will determine whether they believe the candidate is eligible to continue in the Teacher Education Program or be placed for field experiences. Candidates who clear the committees review will receive notification that although the committee has cleared them, they are at the discretion of the school districts as to whether or not placements will be accepted. OFE will attempt to place a candidate three times, and if no district accepts them after that point due to the charges or sanctions, they will not receive a placement for the course/experience and could be advised to withdraw from the program.
Below is an overview of when each program should complete the initial background and rechecks:
Student Population |
Initial Background Check |
Recheck |
Undergraduate Residential TEP |
With Early Field Experience Application (EDCI 201, SPED 240, or TEP Admission) |
With Internship Application |
Birth-Kindergarten (All Tracks) |
With Online Orientation or BK250 |
With Action Research/ Internship Application* |
SPED MAT and Graduate Certification |
With Online Orientation |
With Internship Application* |
MAT (Art, English, STEM, Social Sciences, & TESOL) |
TEP Admission (required during the first semester of enrollment) |
With Internship Application* |
*Students in these programs employed by the school system in which they will be completing their internship DO NOT have to complete the background recheck requirement.
NOTE: Letters from school personnel offices, background checks through a local courthouse,
other school districts, and background checks from work are n簫簫ot acceptable.
Students with disabilities who require accommodations for field experiences or internships must contact the Office of Accessibility Resources (OAR) to identify themselves as having a disability, provide current documentation, and discuss their need for accommodations. For additional information, visit accessibility.wcu.edu or call 828-227-3886. If you fail to arrange your field or site-based accommodations through the OAR, the Office of Field Experiences may be unable to meet your accommodation needs. NOTE: This process is separate from receiving academic accommodations in your courses.
泫圖弝けapp is committed to ensuring equal educational opportunities for students with disabilities and supports their civil rights as provided by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), its amendments (ADAAA), and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Early field experiences are designed to give teacher education candidates opportunities to observe in various P-12 classrooms from the beginning of their professional teacher education coursework. Early and ongoing engagement with public school faculty and students ensures a balance of educational theory and practice. These courses may require placement through the Office of Field Experiences, and the instructor of your course could facilitate others.
EDCI201 SPED 240 EDCI430/HPE430/SPED430 | BK250 BK315 BKSE345 BK410 | EDCI500 EDCI501 EDCI609 EDCI616 |
EDEL415 EDEL416 EDEL420 EDEL428 EDEL446 EDEL 429 EDRD335 EDRD440 | EDMG 411 EDMG 412 EDMG415 EDMG416 EDMG420 EDMG419 EDMG466 |
Applications for early field experiences open on the first day of classes each semester. Candidates should monitor the Office of Field Experiences (OFE) website to ensure deadlines are not missed. Failure to complete applications by the advertised deadline will be encouraged to withdraw from the field experience course. In order to earn a grade of C or better, all candidates must successfully complete the required field experience requirements. Students who do NOT successfully complete the required field experience will earn a C-, D+, D, D- or F, depending upon the remainder of their work in the course.
EDCI201, SPED 240, SPED430/EDCI430/HPE430, and most methods courses REQUIRE students to complete field experiences. These courses, except EDCI 201 and SPED 240, require that students be admitted into the teacher education program before being permitted to enroll.
Complete your Application for Early Field Experience:
NOTE: DO NOT contact schools directly to request placement, as this will decrease or eliminate your chances of receiving that placement.
Block Practicum placements are required for ALL Elementary, Inclusive, and Middle Grades Education majors. This requirement is generally completed the semester before Internship I. Candidates will spend one full teacher day in the placement for up to 12 weeks and attend an accompanying Seminar class on campus. Candidates will potentially complete some of the following assignments: formal observations; reflective journals reacting to their experiences and/or seminar readings; planning and teaching lessons and reflecting upon each; gathering student work for assessment analysis. The level of participation of the candidates in the placement is at the discretion of the host teacher. However, candidates are encouraged to participate in-class activities as much as possible.
Candidates will apply for the Block Practicum experience the semester PRIOR to enrolling in EDEL 390 or EDMG 411.
Applications: Block Practicum applications generally open midway through the semester (approximately week 8). Candidates should meet with their advisors to ensure they are ready to apply and monitor the Office of Field Experiences website for application timelines.
Videotaping Permission Form for Early Field Experiences & Block - please distribute and collect these from students within the first two weeks in Block placement.
Applications for internship opens on the first day of classes each semester. The applications remain open for approximately four weeks. Please review the due dates listed on this website.
Due to the variety of programs we offer, the applications vary by program and level. An informational site has been created within Canvas to assist you in the application process. Please use the to ensure that you have completed all your application requirements:
All students who will need placement assistance through the Office of Field Experiences will apply through their site in Canvas. However, all candidates needing placement through the Office of Field Experiences will need to complete the following items prior to applying:
physical exam and TB test.
School personnel are responsible for ensuring the safety and protection of students at all times. Teacher education candidates completing field experiences and clinical practice are legally viewed as school employees and may be personally charged with negligence if an accident or injury occurs to a student in their care. Neither the State of North Carolina nor 泫圖弝けapp is responsible for providing legal defense for any professional education candidate or paying for any judgment that may be entered against the accused. Teacher candidates participating in an internship experience who are not currently a full-time employee of a school or district will be assessed a $12.00 fee through the WCU Office of Safety and Risk Management at the beginning of your semester internship.
Students who are engaging in paid or unpaid internships can be covered by the Student Intern Professional Liability coverage. There is only one policy available to student interns: Mercer - This policy can be used for medical and non-medical student interns. The policy offers $2M per occurrence and $4M aggregate worth of general and professional liability coverage and a yearly policy term. The policy cost is $12 a year (AugustJuly). A COI (Certificate of Insurance) will be provided to the student, if requested, to take to their internship site as proof of insurance.
After candidates submit their applications, the Director of Field Experiences starts the approval process known as the Internship Gateway Process. This process involves approval tasks for academic advisors and program coordinators. The academic advisor first reviews the candidates' academic progress, including their GPA and course performance, and ensure all prerequisite courses have been completed.
Following that, the program coordinator proceeds with their approval process. This includes completing the midpoint Assessment of Professional Education Dispositions (APD) and documenting the candidates' eligibility for an internship. Based on the information gathered from the advisors, APD, and faculty members, they provide one of the following recommendations to the Director of Field Experiences: 1) Approved for Internship I, 2) Approved for Internship II, 3) Approved Pending Meeting with PC, 4) Action Plan Required to Continue, or 5) Not approved for Internship. Additionally, program coordinators have the chance to suggest placements or supervision for the candidates.
The Director of Field Experiences utilizes the completed Gateway Approvals to analyze and initiate placement requests for all recommended candidates.
Internship I Internship I is the first component of the full-year internship experience. Teacher candidates must start the Internship I experience during the first week of WCU classes each semester. Internship I teacher candidates must follow guidelines the schools and their programs set. Some schools invite interns to report on the first teacher workday, which is a valuable experience if it can be accomplished without incurring extra housing expenses. In all cases, the intern should coordinate the start date with the clinical educator and field supervisor before the host schools semester begins. The number of internship hours each week varies by program, though in most cases Intern I candidates are in their host classrooms the equivalent of two full days (15 hours) per week. Interns observe the clinical educator, participate in classroom activities, and plan and teach lessons as program-specific guidelines require. Intern Is follow the WCUs academic calendar except for initial start dates. Interns are expected to continue in their placements until the final week of classes (not exam week) at WCU.
Internship I Credit Hours to Internship Experience Expectations | |
Credit Hour | Required Days at Host School |
3 credits | 2 days in your internship school |
2 credits | 1.5 days in your internship school |
1 credit | 1 day in your internship school |
**If your schedule does not allow full days, you may complete 翻 days that combine to the required total.
Canvas Internship Resource Site
The is an informational site that has been created within Canvas to assist you meeting your Internship I requirements.
Video RecordingEvaluation Documents
Internship II is the second component of the full-year internship experience. Internship II is a 16-week experience that requires candidates to report to the host school every day for full-day participation in the school setting. Candidates report to their schools the first day the host teachers report and remain in the schools until the final day of classes (not exams) at WCU.
During this experience, candidates take on responsibilities gradually through a phase-in and phase-out process for carrying and giving back teaching responsibility as the lead teachers.
For most of our programs, the minimum full-time independent teaching requirement for interns is six consecutive weeks (unless program requirements mandate more or less). Full-time independent teaching includes serving as the lead teacher for the entire school day, including all instructional and curricular planning, professional activities, and duties.
*Full-time teaching may be extended for the candidate to demonstrate competency at the proficient level.
Enrollment in Additional Courses During Internship II
Intern II candidates are not permitted to enroll in courses outside their internship requirements. If a candidate determines the need to take an additional course during the Internship II semester, they must consult with their advisor and complete the Request to Enroll in a Required Course During or After Internship II Form.
The additional course must be offered after school hours or online to ensure it does not conflict with the internship schedule. The completed form should be submitted via email to the Director of Teacher and Professional Education, Dr. Myra Watson, at mkwatson@wcu.edu. Once submitted, the request will be reviewed, and the decision will be communicated to the candidate via email.
All candidates pursuing an initial license must submit an edTPA portfolio and meet proficiency by achieving at least the minimum score established by the North Carolina State Board of Education.
For more information, including details about scoring requirements and resubmission, please visit WCUs edTPA policy website.
Initial licensure candidates must successfully complete an edTPA portfolio as a subject-specific summative assessment. Clinical Educators, Field Supervisors, and Academic Supervisors are expected to provide appropriate formative support for interns during the completion of the edTPA portfolio. Guidelines for acceptable support can be found in the Guidelines for Supporting Candidates Completing edTPA document on the WCUs edTPA Resource site.
Canvas Internship Resource Site
The is an informational site that has been created within Canvas to assist you meeting your Internship II requirements.
Video Permission Forms for edTPA
Evaluation Documents
Online Graduate Programs:
Online Graduate Programs:
Per North Carolina General Statute , to the extent practicable, EPPs shall require, in all programs leading to initial professional licensure, the following:
(1) Field experiences in every semester that include organized and sequenced engagement of students in settings that provide them with opportunities to observe, practice, and demonstrate knowledge and skills. The experiences shall be systematically designed and sequenced to increase the complexity and levels of engagement with which students apply, reflect upon, and expand their knowledge and skills, and to increase in each semester prior to the student's internship the number of hours spent in field experiences.
(2) A minimum of two hours of field experience in the first semester of the program and a cumulative total of at least 12 hours of field experiences prior to the student's internship.
(3) At least one field experience in a low-performing school.
For Elementary, Middle Grades, & Inclusive Education students.
For our Block placement, students are required to be with their host teacher one day per week (or 8 hours if their class schedule requires that they split between 2 days) over 10 weeks for observation. During their time with the host teacher they will be conducting observations, assisting the teacher, and teaching several mini-lessons.
More detailed explanation of requirements and expectations are provided by the course instructor(s).
The Clinical Educator (CE) supervises and mentors the teacher education candidate daily. The clinical educator helps plan an increased instructional role throughout the semester, provides constructive feedback to encourage professional growth, provides input in the evaluation process, and participates in mid-term and final evaluation conferences. The clinical educator helps the intern acclimate to the school, schedule classroom duties, plan and implement lessons, and videotape lessons as required.
Field Supervisor (FS) acts as the liaison between the classroom teacher and 泫圖弝けapp. He or she has the important responsibility of ensuring a comprehensive, rewarding classroom experience for interns/student teachers.
Job Responsibilities:
Requirements for Becoming a Field Supervisor
Minimum qualifications for serving as a Field Supervisor:
If you are interested in becoming a Field Supervisor, please . You will need: