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Contemporary Clay Symposium Broadcast



Symposium Rebroadcast | Contemporary Clay: A Survey of Contemporary American Ceramics

This symposium features a variety of makers who use clay as a part of their artistic practice, including A. Blair Clemo, Del Harrow, Anders Ruhwald, Thomas Schmidt, Kevin Snipes, Colleen Toledano, and Garth Johnson. The symposium is a collection of lectures and live artist demonstrations. Curated by Heather Mae Erickson, Assistant Professor of Art at Ìð¹ÏÊÓƵapp, the exhibition and symposium explore evolving ideas concerning clay, ranging from traditional and non-traditional functional objects, rapid prototyping, and mixed-media objects and installations.

Watch online here, at the Ìð¹ÏÊÓƵapp Bardo Arts Center, or at one of our host sites around the country! 

Contemporary Clay Symposium Rebroadcast Host Sites

Host Institution Contact Person Email
Angelo State University Steve Apodoca Esteban.Apodaca@angelo.edu
Arizona State University Susan Beiner Susan.Beiner@asu.edu
Auburn University Annie Campbell abc0064@auburn.edu
Battle Ground High School Tamara Galloes davisson.tamra@battlegroundps.org
Benington High School Liz Howe Elizabeth.howe@svsu.org
Buffalo State Colleen Toledano toledanocolleen@gmail.com
California College of the Arts Edith Garcia Monhet egarcia@cca.edu
Clemson University Valerie Zimany vzimany@clemson.edu
Colorado Mountain College-Aspen K Rhynus Cesark kcesark@coloradomtn.edu 
Cuesta College Jarred Pfeiffer jcpfeiffer@gmail.com
The Ceramic Studio, Dartmouth College Jennifer S. Swanson jennifer.s.swanson@dartmouth.edu
East Carolina University Jim Tisnado tisnadoj@ecu.edu
Harvard Ceramics Kathy King kking@fas.harvard.edu
Iowa Ceramics Center Ellen Kleckner ellen@iowaceramicscenters.org
Louisiana State University Andy Shaw ashaw@lsu.edu 
Massachusetts College of Art and Design Jana Longacre / Ben Tyterband jlongacre@massart.edu 
Northern Clay Center Sarah Millfelt sarahmillfelt@northernclaycenter.org
Northern Clay Center Amanda Dobbras amandadobbratz@northernclaycenter.org
Olympic College Marie Weichman mweichman@olympic.edu
Pocosin Arts School of Fine Craft Marlene True marlene@pocosinarts.org
Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota Lisa Schreiner Truaz ltruax@smumn.edu
Sierra Nevada College Sheri Leigh O'Conner sleigh@sierranevada.edu
Sonoma Community Center Ceramics Kala Stein kala@sonomacommunitycenter.org
Swarthmore College Syd Carpenter scarpen1@swarthmore.edu 
The University of Delaware Abby Donovan abbydonovan@me.com 
The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Teri Frame teriframe@gmail.com
UNC Asheville Megan Wolfe mwolfe@unca.edu
University of Dayton Kyle Phelps kphelps1@udayton.edu
University of Idaho MFA Student: Logan Brasher, WCU Alumni lbrashar@uidaho.edu
University of North Carolina – Charlotte Thomas Schmidt schmidtceramics@gmail.com
University of North Georga – Dahlonega Alex Kraft alex3dartist@gmail.com 
Utah State University Todd Hayes todd.hayes@usu.edu
Virginia Commonwealth University A. Blair Clemo abclemo@vcu.edu
Wayne State University Victoria Shaheen shaheen.victoria@gmail.com
Western Washington University Ryan Kelly ryan.kelly@wwu.edu
Youngstown State University Missy McCormick mmccormick@ysu.edu


learn more about the Contemporary Clay exhibition