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Summer Symposium

July 6th - July 10th, 2025

Registration is NOW OPEN for 2025!

DeMoulin Director Academy

We are very pleased to be able to offer a unique educational opportunity for middle school and high school band directors this summer for FREE! Yes, thanks to the DeMoulin Brothers Uniform Company we are excited to return to an in-person Summer Symposium that will be FREE to all directors.

We have been able to secure some of the finest instrumental music education professionals from around the country that we are positive you will be amazed and inspired by! Admission is FREE, but we do ask that you register for this incredible experience.

Thank you to DeMoulin and this fabulous panel of clinicians for helping to continue music education in such a phenomenal way!!

Student Tracks

With so many things in doubt these days, one thing is for certain, we all are excited to get back to Summer Symposium!  We are happy to bring in world class clinicians, that will provide interactive and education sessions. Just sign up for your preferred track:

Drum Major, Winds, Percussion, and Color Guard

To keep that bit of magic that Symposium has, Jessica Davis will be BACK as well as the SLEADERS (student leaders) for each track that will include leadership and team building sessions for everyone involved.

The Summer Symposium will be a great experience for you and provide positve experiences that will make a meaningful impact on you.

Drum Major Track: Ben Pouncey, Mimi Phillips, Jared Greer
Wind Track: Daniel Scott
Percussion Track: Victor Perez, Mike Bishop, Katie Parham
Color Guard Track: Katie Pacifico 

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