An opportunity to discover more about global teaching and learning, and multicultural experiences, will come to 泫圖弝けapp when International Education Week is held Monday, Nov. 12, through Friday, Nov. 16.
International Education Week is a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and U.S. Department of Education to celebrate the benefits of international education and worldwide exchange. Campus activities are organized through WCUs .
We are excited to celebrate International Education Week at WCU by highlighting internationalization opportunities and programming across campus, said Kaitlin Ritchie, associate director of the Office of International Programs and Services. The events are open to the campus community and to the public. We invite everyone to take part in the opportunities to engage in intercultural activities and dialogues.
This year, we have several events that are marked as DegreePlus events, specifically highlighting the cultural responsiveness designation, she said. One event is supported by our campus theme, Defining America.
Events include:
Monday, Nov. 12
1-2 p.m. Accessibility resources with a global perspective, Room 136 of Killian Annex.
4-5 p.m. Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages program information, Room 215 of A.K. Hinds University Center.
Tuesday, Nov. 13
12:30-2:30 p.m. Study abroad information table, second floor of A.K. Hinds University Center.
2-4 p.m. Faculty led study abroad showcase, Multipurpose Room of A.K.. Hinds University Center.
3-4 p.m. Peace Corps and international education virtual event, Illusions at A.K. Hinds University Center.
5-7:30 p.m. Peace Corps and AmeriCorps panel and reception, Illusions at A.K. Hinds University Center.
Internationally-themed dinner menu from China, Germany and Malaysia, Brown Hall.
Wednesday, Nov. 14
9:30-11:30 a.m. Study abroad information table, second floor of A.K. Hinds University Center.
4-5 p.m. Study abroad student panel, A.K. Hinds University Center theater.
4-5 p.m. Between World History and Global Citizenship, by Saheed Aderinto, WCU associate professor of history, in Room 214 of the Forsyth Building.
5-6 p.m. International coffee hour and cultural presentation on Australia, Illusions at A.K. Hinds University Center.
5:30-6:30 p.m. From Spain to the U.S. - Insider Perspectives, Room 214 of McKee Building.
5:30-7 p.m. Global Culture Series with Japan Night: Beyond the Border, in Room 134 of McKee Building.
7-7:30 p.m. Gamelan performance of Indonesian music with bronze instruments and bamboo rattles, Room 134 of McKee Building.
6-8 p.m. Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity Education session, in Room 108 of Killian Building. Register through
Thursday, Nov. 15:
Internationally-themed lunch menu from Japan, Spain, Jamaica and Ireland at Courtyard Dining Hall.
3:30-4:30 p.m. Defining America: Perspectives from an International Student, Illusions at A.K. Hinds University Center.
7:30 p.m. WCU Wind Ensemble concert with Russian visiting conductor Alexander Nyankin at the John Bardo Fine and Performing Arts Center.
Friday, Nov. 16
10:30-11:30 p.m. Around the Globe: Poster presentations representing Democratic Republic of Congo, Vietnam and Saudi Arabia, by WCU Intensive English Program students, A.K. Hinds University Center Raleigh Room.
12:30-2:30 p.m. Study abroad information table, second floor of A.K. Hinds University Center.
2-4:30 p.m. NCBI Training Module 2 for Students, Belk 323.
3-4 p.m. Study and Work Abroad: Boost Your Resume, Reid Building, Center for Career and Professional Development conference room.
Support for 2018 International Education Week includes WCUs Campus Dining, Center for Career and Professional Development, DegreePlus, Defining America Campus Theme Committee, College of Business, Intercultural Affairs, Department of Campus Activities, OneStop, Department of English, School of Music, Office of Accessibility Resources, History Department, Department of World Languages, the Writing and Learning Center and the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity Programs.
For more information about International Education Week events, go to or contact Ritchie at or call 828-227-2567.