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Stephanie Cook, Second Place in the Three-Minute Thesis Competition

Stephanie Cook, current student in the Master of Arts in English program, was awarded second place in the 2021 Three Minute Thesis Competition for her presentation on “H.D.’s Waves: A Modernist Confluence of Literature, Science, and Spirituality.”

Cook evaluates Hilda Doolittle’s use of “…science and religion to elaborate on ideas about life and death, as well as the gray area in between.” Cook highlights Doolittle’s idea of waves to connect her thoughts and works, while also linking the worlds of science and religion.

Cook’s presentation received high marks from the judges for an engaging delivery and thorough research and connections to modern society. Cook received a $250 tuition award for the Spring 2022 semester and $250 cash.

Explore a Master of Arts in English

Program Overview

Location: Asheville, Cullowhee

App Deadline: Jan. 1, May 1, Aug. 1

Pre-Requisites: GRE Not Required

Time to Complete: 33 Hours, 24 Months

Multiple Concentrations Available