Goal 1.2: Teaching Excellence
Promote teaching excellence as the successful engagement of our students in learning,
experimenting, creating, and achieving their full potential.
- 1.2.1: Enhance faculty professional development opportunities with a focus on a pedagogical
approach and curriculum design that engage students through high-impact learning and
evidence-based practices.
- 1.2.2: Update departmental collegial review documents to align with university policies
on engaging students, innovative teaching, advising, scholarship of teaching and learning,
and support of our community and region
- 1.2.3: Recognize, promote, and celebrate outstanding programs, faculty, staff, and students
that contribute to:
- teaching, research, and service;
- the promotion of diversity, equity, and inclusion;
- leadership roles;
- service to the regional community;
- advising/mentoring;
- demonstration of ethical decision-making;
- innovative idea or program implementation.
Goal 1.3: Cultural, Environmental, Economic, And Regional Development
Promote and enhance cultural, environmental, economic, and regional development through
educational programs, scholarship/creative activity, and service.
- 1.3.1: Provide learning opportunities for students to engage in the natural landscape and
cultural heritage of the Southern Appalachian region
- 1.3.2: Continue building a campus culture of service; one that focuses on community engagement,
is broadly available, and maintains high rates of student participation that is inclusive,
thus positioning WCU as a leader in the state, region, and nationally.
- 1.3.3: Enhance, incentivize, and highlight scholarship, research, teaching, creative inquiry,
and cultural activity that contribute to regional/community development that positively
impact North Carolina or the Western North Carolina region.
- 1.3.4: Encourage interdisciplinary initiatives in academic programs, research, and/or academic
centers that connect business, sciences, engineering, technology, entrepreneurship,
as well as the arts, education, recreation, and health professionals
- 1.3.5: Encourage external collaboration of faculty, staff, and students with industry,
start-ups, research institutes, non-profits, and government agencies.
Goal 1.4: Scholarship, Research, Creative / Cultural Activity
Promote excellence in scholarship, research, creative inquiry, and cultural activity
- 1.4.1: Value, promote, and provide opportunities for faculty-student scholarly collaborations
with undergraduate and graduate populations.
- 1.4.2: Improve internal and external promotion of scholarship, research, creative, and
cultural activity
- 1.4.3: Promote interdisciplinary learning, research, engagement, and idea exchange.
- 1.4.4: Increase the number offered and the amount of support provided for research assistantships,
tuition waivers, and student stipends through external funding and internal support.
Goal 1.5: Capacity to Serve Students and Eliminate Barriers
Expand and support WCUs capacity to serve students and eliminate barriers to program
and resource access.
- 1.5.1: Expand and enhance networks of regional advisory committees to strengthen communication
and collaboration among K-12, community college, and WCU in the areas of:
- curriculum goals and transferability;
- the importance and value of higher education and the best strategies for marketing
and recruiting;
- admissions and financial aid.
- 1.5.2: Track and increase institutional capacity for resident and distance summer session
offerings for a wide variety of learners: undergraduate, K-12, and graduate students;
adult and life-long learners.
- 1.5.3: Increase communication and marketing of summer opportunities in academic programs,
short-term programming, research opportunities, internships, and other practical experiences
for both students and others who reside in WNC.
- 1.5.4: Assure affordability of summer school offerings for both WCU degree-seeking students
and those seeking credits for other institutions by adopting financial supports such
as summer employment opportunities, NC Promise funding for summer sessions, and other
financial aid opportunities.
Goal 1.6: Enrollment and Retention
Continue to coordinate WCU's student enrollment and retention strategies to ensure
strengthened balance of access, diversity and student success, institutional mission,
and sustainable revenue sources.
- 1.6.1: Refine and adapt the strategic enrollment plan to meet student enrollment targets
while maintaining academic rigor in our educational programs.
- 1.6.2: Track and increase support services to enroll and meet the needs of a diverse student
- 1.6.3: Continue to develop innovative data-driven methods of monitoring and enhancing student
success at the individual level.
- 1.6.4: Meet or exceed UNC System designated institutional goals in support of the WCU mission:
- Prioritize low-income and rural enrollment and completion, as well as critical workforce
- Improve five-year graduation rates and efficiency in undergraduate degrees and undergraduate
achievement gaps.
- Increase research productivity.