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Strategic Direction 5: Employee Excellence

We will continue to attract, retain, and promote outstanding faculty and staff while providing valuable scholarship, leadership, and professional development opportunities

Goal 5.1: Salaries and Compensation

Ensure salary and compensation benefits package remains an institutional priority to attract, reward, and retain the highest quality employees.

  • 5.1.1: Advocate with governing bodies for financial resources and structural framework necessary to offer competitive, attractive, and cost-effective total compensation (salary and benefits) packages.
  • 5.1.2: Develop, implement, or strengthen institutional efforts to address salary shortfalls, making this a top institutional priority, in addition to, or in the absence of, salary maintenance as a state funding priority.

Goal 5.2: Professional Development and Long-term Promotion Opportunities

Ensure all employees have access to valuable professional development and training opportunities, to support increased capacity and productivity as well as long-term career promotion opportunities.

  • 5.2.1: Support professional development for all employees as a managerial priority, by devoting the appropriate time and funding to the effort.
  • 5.2.2: Develop a process to report and document the level and engagement of faculty and staff in professional development, both internally and externally.
  • 5.2.3: Develop a campus-wide mechanism that provides training and documentation for the most frequently utilized WCU systems and processes.
  • 5.2.4: Develop mapping of position-based skills, competencies, and access needed for staff positions, as a mechanism for quality assurance in the workforce, continuity in departmental operations, and advancing the potential for career growth and long-term promotional opportunity.

Goal 5.3: Professional Development for Research

Support scholarship and creative activities to foster our mission as a regional comprehensive university.

  • 5.3.1: Strengthen the organizational structure to better integrate research and the Graduate School at our University.
  • 5.3.2: Build individual faculty, staff, and graduate student capacity through support of development activities aimed at increasing research and grant proposal writing, publications, creative work, and other scholarly endeavors.

Goal 5.4: Faculty as Teacher / Scholar

Create an environment in which the primary role of faculty as teacher scholar is recognized and valued.

  • 5.4.1: Assess and support the needs of non-tenure track faculty.
  • 5.4.2: Encourage department heads and deans to utilize flexibility within the parameters of fiscal realities in developing and implementing integrated faculty workload expectations, which allow for teaching, scholarship, and service expectations tailored to local need, skill, and specialization.

Goal 5.5: Healthy Lifestyle

Create a campus environment that facilitates a healthy lifestyle for employees.

  • 5.5.1: Promote employee mental health through programming and services, addressing issues such as destigmatizing mental health, and improving work-life balance, stress management, and employee resilience.
  • 5.5.2: Encourage physical health of employees by promoting physical fitness, healthy eating, activity, and movement.

Goal 5.6: Environmental Challenges (Recruit and Retain)

Contribute to employee recruitment and retention by addressing environmental challenges for employees and their families

  • 5.6.1: Implement a flex-work policy, aligned with the policy provided by the System Office, as a tool which can be strategically employed to improve productivity, employee satisfaction, and maintain our position as a competitive employer.
  • 5.6.2: Provide support for dual career households through programs such as regional employment networks, and access to a variety of resources such as institutional job posting boards and career fairs.