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Faculty Information

Faculty play an integral role in providing accommodations for students in their courses. The Office of Accessibility Resources works in partnership with faculty to fulfill the required accommodation needs of our students while balancing curriculum expectations. Our webpage provides resources to assist with this balancing act. Faculty are encouraged to seek assistance with any questions or concerns by contacting the OAR at 828.227.3886 or accessibility@wcu.edu. We look forward to working with you!

General Questions

The OAR uses the Accessible Information Management System (AIM).  AIM is an online accommodation management portal that facilitates interaction with the OAR, faculty, staff and students. Students will independently coordinate their accommodations. The system protects confidential information about the students and allows for streamlined communication between students, faculty and staff.

Faculty can access their AIM account through the Accessibility Resources app on their MyWCU page. To add Accessibility Resources to your apps, click on ALL APPS and “pin” Accessibility Resources. You can also access AIM from the AIM Faculty Portal button on the right of this page. For help, please contact the OAR office. 

AIM Faculty Instructions

Students registered with the OAR should send you their accommodation request through AIM. AIM will then email you the accommodation request. You can then sign into the AIM portal to access your students' accommodation request. Your students' accommodations will be clearly stated in AIM.

Students are asked to follow-up with you regarding their accommodation request.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our office. 

The OAR encourages but does not require students to meet with you at the beginning of the semester to discuss their accommodations. However, a student can register and make accommodation requests at any time during the semester. Accommodations are not retroactive, and you are under no obligation to allow a student to re-do exams or work for which they did not request accommodations in advance.

If a student requests an accommodation, you are only allowed to ask them for the Faculty Notification Letter in AIM. Documentation describing and supporting a student's diagnosis is considered confidential information. Faculty should not receive, evaluate or maintain documentation of a disability. When you recieve a Faculty Notification Letter from AIM, the student's accommodation request has been completed and appropriately documented.

More information on our documentation guildines

The OAR does not provide testing or diagnostic evaluations. However, we can refer the student to on- and off-campus resources for assessment.

Talk privately with the student to discuss your observations. Do not diagnose or assume that the student's problems are due to a disability. Discuss your observations. Ask questions. If appropriate, refer the student to the OAR or other campus resources (such as Counseling and Psychological Services, the Writing and Learning Commons or the Math Tutoring Center).

Students with disabilities have the same rights as other students, including the right to fail. Work produced by a student with a disability should be of equal quality to that of their peers. Provision of accommodations is not a guarantee for success.

Talk to the student as you would any student who is struggling in your class. Discuss your observations. If appropriate, refer the student to the OAR or other campus resources (such as Counseling and Psychological Services, the Writing and Learning Commons or the Math Tutoring Center).

No. You are not required to provide accommodations without the Faculty Notification Letter or a formal request in your AIM Faculty Portal. Please refer the student to the OAR for assistance with their request.

No. Providing accommodations"levels the playing field" for students with disabilities by reducing or removing barriers to learning. Accommodations allow students with disabilities the same opportunities as their peers to learn and demonstrate mastery.

You will not be asked to lower standards or alter core academic requirements of your classes. Students with disabilities are expected to meet all course requirements.

Test Accommodations & Proctoring

Test accommodations mitigate barriers to access, allowing students with disabilities to demonstrate their knowledge of the course content. Accommodations may relate to the time limit but may also potentially include changes in administration and/or format.

Test accommodatons are a common request and assist a variety or students of differing abilities. Requests for additional test time, utilization of a distraction-reduced testing environment, and assistive technologies are all common accommodation requests provided by the OAR. However, we discuss each accommodation request with students to ensure their requests for reasonable accommodations are provided.

Ultimately, you as faculty are responsible for all student testing for your class, including accommodated testing. You may work with the student to administer the test within the student's accommodations. However, the OAR is available to proctor tests with accommodations for students if needed.

The OAR makes every effort to maintain the integrity of exams. Students are required to leave all belongings and unapproved materials in our office during testing. All testing sessions are video monitored and recorded. Exams are secured in a locked file until administered, and completed exams are shredded once we receive faculty acknowledgement of receipt.

Any violation of the Academic Intergrity Policy will result in the termination of the testing session, and our office will contact the faculty member regarding the incident.

Students are responsible for following the procedure for arranging accommodated testing through the OAR. 

The student should request test proctoring three or more business days in advance by completing the Student Request - OAR Test Proctoring Services form. The OAR will then contact the faculty member via email with a notification of the request. Faculty will complete the for each student taking the test.

The faculty are asked to submit the exam via email at least one day prior to the exam date. You may also submit the exam via delivery to our office or via the form attachment. Exams can be returned to you by email, delivery or pick-up.

Once a student has completed the test, an OAR staff member will send you an email to confirm test completion.

Paper test may be scanned and returned via email, but you will need to confirm receipt. Also, you must acknowledge the legibility of the document before our staff shreds the original copy.

Other Helpful Faculty Information

Kurzweil 3000 is a program available by the OAR to not only support accessible features to students but also to allow faculty the ability to support their classroom functions online (document sharing, testing, etc.) Faculty and students can now .

Students and faculty who utilize Kurzweil 3000 will benefit from assistive technology tools that make documents, websites, and other platforms more accessible, including but not limited to: text to speech in 31 voices, text to speech in 11 languages, translations for 100+ languages, speech to text, note taking tools, word prediction, writing templates, accessibility for testing accommodations, text magnification tools, multiple dictionaries, synonym/thesaurus tools, multi-color highlighters, 7 color overlays, talking spell checker, read the web extensions for chrome and Firefox, integrated reading/writing/study skill tools, etc.

  1. Think through questions you need to ask and answer: What considerations and information will you use to answer the questions asked by students concerning their accommodations? Utilize on and off-campus resources.

  2. Work with campus technical support who specialize in the learning management systems you are using, with consideration of students who may also use assistive technology. Students with vision impairments, blindness, hearing impairments, deafness, and other processing and print type disabilities may be faced with new challenges with online instruction and changes to how content is now provided.
  1. Revisit student accommodation requests in your courses.
  2. Invite students to talk with you if they have a concern and reinforce their right to accommodations. Discuss possible changes to the accommodations (i.e., testing) in an online environment. Develop a plan and provide supportive communication with the students about their accommodation to know what to expect.
  3. Outreach and collaboration with campus partners. No one individual, department, or unit can be everything to everyone; use campus offices and colleagues to address and support issues.

Some accommodations require helpful guidance and agreement between the student and the faculty. Typically, a student with flexibility with attendance/assignment accommodations has a disability which is a chronic condition with random or cyclical acute episodes having functional impacts on class attendance and/or participation. Flexibility with attendance/assignment accommodations should be established in advance, not retroactively. 

A special agreement and understanding between the student and faculty can be helpful as this accommodation is not intended to allow for unlimited absences and does not alleviate the student from the expected course standards. It is recommended that the student and faculty use the Guidance and Agreement for “Flexibility with Attendance/Assignment”  form and questions #1-4 to clarify the student’s participation expectation in the course, a process to notify the faculty of such absences, and the procedure for turning in and/or making-up related assignments and tests.

Test accommodations

  • Most learning management systems (LMS) have an option for setting extended test time. Work with the online support and technology staff to be sure that you know the necessary functions and accessibility features.
  • As noted in authorized student accommodation letters for students with test accommodations, the OAR provides a reminder:
    • as applicable, faculty and instructors add extended time in platforms used for testing/quizzes.
  • Consider students who frequently test with the OAR may need attention, and problem-solving as the method for how you provide timed tests to all students may need to differ for students with accommodations. For example, a discussion or plan may be helpful for students to take paper-and-pencil tests if an online test cannot be made accessible.
  • Remember the OAR uses and provides free Kurzweil 3000 accounts to all faculty, students, and staff. Kurzweil 3000 supports accessible features, testing accommodations, document sharing, text to speech, speech to text, and many other assistive aids that can help during this period of change. Faculty, students, and staff can access their personalized .