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School Social Work Licensure Program

young girl student at desk in classroom


School Social Workers engage in a variety of tasks that intersect directly with students, their families, school personnel, community stakeholders, and with policy at the school, local, and state levels. School Social Work draws on all of one’s social work skills for the purpose of enhancing a student’s ability to succeed in school, regardless of the barriers confronting them. School Social Workers are needed in our schools, and we hope you will consider applying to Western’s School Social Work Licensure Program. This program assists interested students in becoming licensed through the N C Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI).

Ìð¹ÏÊÓƵapp students enrolled in the MSW program and are willing to complete a 400-hour school-based field practicum experience are eligible to participate in the School Social Work licensure program. Individuals with an earned BSW or MSW degree and have either proof of one year employment in a NC public school or possess a NC provisional school license are also eligible.

The program at Ìð¹ÏÊÓƵapp offers the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction approved School Social Work course online each summer with the additional education courses being offered each semester online through WCU.

Virtual Open House

Wednesday, April 9: 5-6:30pm

Join us at one of our upcoming virtual Graduate School Open House events on Zoom! You'll have the opportunity to learn more about Ìð¹ÏÊÓƵapp,  understand the Graduate School application process, and meet key program representatives.


Licensure Requirements and How to Apply:

WCU will recommend students to NC DPI for licensure in school social work if they successfully complete WCU’s MSW degree program, a 400 hour school based Field practicum placement, the School Social Work course, and 2 Special Education courses. As you apply for the license, be sure to route it to Ìð¹ÏÊÓƵapp. Complete instructions can be found at: teacherlicensure.wcu.edu.

If you have earned your MSW degree from a CSWE-accredited program, WCU’s online licensure-only program may be a good fit for you. If you are employed as a School Social Worker in a public-school setting, WCU can help you direct you to secure a provisional license. After completion of the required course work, WCU will assist in applying for the initial license.  

Your first step is to apply as a graduate distance education student at WCU Graduate School The program is School Social Work Licensure Program - Online. You must be admitted to the university before you can register for classes.

Upon completion of coursework, you will apply through the NC DPI online portal to clear your provisional license. The NC DPI portal is linked from WCU’s Teacher Licensure website, teacherlicensure.wcu.edu. Be sure to route your application to Ìð¹ÏÊÓƵapp and attach official electronic copies of your WCU transcript showing the completed coursework.

Your first step is to request a Regional Assistance Licensing Centers (RALC-NC DPI) plan from your school administrator. Next you apply as a graduate distance education student at WCU Graduate School. The program is School Social Work Licensure Program - RALC – Online.. You must be admitted to the university before you can register for classes.

Upon completion of coursework, you will apply through the NC DPI online portal to clear your provisional license. The NC DPI portal is linked from WCU’s Teacher Licensure website, teacherlicensure.wcu.edu. Be sure to route your application to Ìð¹ÏÊÓƵapp and attach official electronic copies of your WCU transcript showing the completed coursework.

Students interested in obtaining licensure as a school school social worker must complete course work that includes 1 course from Competency A, SOCW 528 (Competency B), and 1 course from Competency C. See course options below:

Competency A: Identifying/Understanding Exceptionalities & Diversities (choose 1)

  • SPED 504 Educational Programs for Students with Behavioral Disorders (Fall)

  • SPED 505 Educational Programs for Students with Learning Disabilities (Summer)

  • SPED 633 Collaboration with Families and Professionals (Summer, Fall)

  • SPED 635 Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders (Summer)

  • SPED 636 Evidence-Based Methods for Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (Spring)

  • SPED 684 Social and Emotional Needs of Exceptional Learners (Spring)

Competency B: School Setting & the Social Worker

  • SOCW 528 School Social Works: Policy and Practice (Summer)

Competency C: Introduction to Education or Foundations of Education (choose 1)

  • SPED 639 Teaching Exceptional Learners in Inclusive Classrooms (Spring, Summer, Fall)
  • SPED 620 Education in a Diverse Society (Spring, Fall)

* Requires override to register 

* These are typical course offerings, and courses are not guaranteed to be offered at these times

Kristina Lind - Associate Professor, School Social Work Licensure Program Coordinator
College of Health and Human Sciences - Department of Social Work
Email: klind@wcu.edu


Rachel Wike - Coordinator of Education Admissions & Licensure Officer
College of Education and Allied Professions
Email: rwike@wcu.edu