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Resources for Psychology Students

Below you’ll find a variety of useful information on research, clubs, resources and helpful links.

WCU Psi Chi and Psychology Club

Psi Chi is a national honor society whose purpose shall be to encourage, stimulate, and maintain excellence in scholarship of the individual members in all fields, particularly in psychology, and to advance the science of psychology.

The mission of Psi Chi is to produce a well-educated, ethical, and socially responsible member committed to contributing to the science and profession of psychology and to society in general.

Subends for accomplishing above mission:

  • Advance science and the profession of psychology
  • Promote an educational experience consistent with the
  • Promote ethical and socially responsible members and leaders
  • Define and establish an organizational structure that promotes our mission

WCU's Psychology Club is open to all who are interested in the field of Psychology. We urge all members to become involved with the community through service opportunities. See our Psychology Club Constitution for more information and keep an eye on our upcoming events.

Research in Psychology

All faculty in the Department of Psychology are actively involved in research and want to encourage all undergraduate and graduate students to become involved as well. Descriptions of faculty research interests can be found on faculty members’ pages. If you find a faculty member doing research that interests you, feel free to contact her or him and consider doing a directed study with them.

If you wish to learn more about research in psychology but are not ready to get involved directly, please attend the Department of Psychology Colloquium series. This will be an opportunity to learn more about the current trends and methods in psychology. These meetings will occur about once a month during the academic year and will include presentations by faculty, graduate students, and guest speakers.

Ìð¹ÏÊÓƵapp has an Institutional Review Board (IRB) that must review your research before any work begins. For those actively involved in research, you must follow certain guidelines and complete certain forms before actually conducting research.â€

Helpful Links

Internships, Scholarships & Research

Employment Opportunities


Graduate School Information

Information-based Sites

The following sites provide links to many other organizations and sources of information:

    • maintained by John H. Krantz, Ph.D. - great source of information
    • large selection of links for psychology students and their professors
    • 1000s of useful links on all aspects of psychology

Online Texts, Tutorials and Full-text Journals

  •  (APA's monthly newspaper)
  •  (more from Hanover College)
  •  (by Paul C. Cozby)

Associations and Organizations